In the summer of 2025, the Furman Libraries will offer two short-term fellowships for Furman faculty to encourage the creative use of special collections materials for high-impact classroom experiences.
Fellowships are open to all Furman faculty members. Recipients will receive a stipend of $1,500 and will be expected to spend at least one week (or 40 hours) in residence in Special Collections and Archives, working with library faculty and staff. This time could be spent exploring the unique rare books, manuscripts, and archival materials within the department, developing course modules or assignments that utilize them, meeting with library faculty and staff in other departments such as the Digital Collections Center, and working with Special Collections faculty and staff to plan effective ways of incorporating these materials into future courses. The week(s) chosen for work will be mutually agreed upon between each fellow and Special Collections and will take place between May 1 and August 15, 2025.
Fellows will be expected to share their fellowship and course experiences at one of the Faculty Development Center’s lunches at a later date during the 2025-2026 academic year.
To apply, candidates should send a brief vita and a statement outlining their initial thoughts for how they would like to best use their fellowship time, especially noting the potential classes where they would like to develop new course content. Please send all applications to Caroline Mills, Director of Libraries, at: by April 25. Applications are welcome and encouraged from faculty in all departments at Furman.
Applications will be evaluated based on their potential to enhance teaching and learning and their alignment with the objectives contained in the first component of The Furman Advantage: “Education That Transforms.” To learn more about our holdings, please visit the Special Collections and Archives website. For additional information, please contact Associate Director for Special Collections and University Archivist Jeffrey Makala at: