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Rev. Edwin R. Quattlebaum Research Collection, 1794-2001, bulk 1801-1953

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Contents List

Box 1

Folder 1. Binder #1 – Churches 1965 and undated (1 of 2)

Folder 2. Binder #1 – Churches 1954, 1957-1958, 1978 and undated (2 of 2)

Folder 3. Binder #2 Church documents, photocopies (1 of 2)

Folder 4. Binder #2 Miss Willie Jones and Mrs. Mary Bozeman, 1983, 1989, 2000-2001 (2 of 2)

Folder 5. Binder #3 Historical Records of Bethabara Baptist Church (1 of 1)

Folder 6. Binder #4 Copies of Original Minutes Bethabara Baptist Church 1801-1881 (1 of 4)

Folder 7. Binder #4 Copies of Original Minutes Bethabara Baptist Church 1801-1881 (2 of 4)

Folder 8. Binder #4 Copies of Original Minutes Bethabara Baptist Church 1801-1881 (3 of 4)

Folder 9. Binder #4 Copies of Original Minutes Bethabara Baptist Church 1801-1881 (4 of 4)

Folder 10. Binder #5 Copies of Original Minutes Bethabara Baptist Church 1882-1953 (1 of 2)

Folder 11. Binder #5 Copies of Original Minutes Bethabara Baptist Church 1882-1953 (2 of 2)

Folder 12. CDs:

  1. Pictures for History, Fixed by Ed Shealy, Bethabara Baptist Church, 2007
  2. Pictures for History, K[erl?] Story and Homecoming, Carpenters for Christ
  3. Bethabara Baptist History Cover Sheet (Sonic)
  4. Bethabara Baptist History Cover Sheet (Nero)


  1. Folder “Bethabara Church History,” individual files
  2. PDF “Combined History 2” [PDF of the published book The History of Bethabara Baptist Church, 1794-2007: Celebrating More Than 200 Years of Serving Our God – cataloged in Special Collections:  Baptist Historical Coll  BX 6480.L38 H576 2007]

Box 2

Folder 1.Binder #6 Historical File of Pastors, Vol. I, 1794-1903, Bethabara Baptist Church (1 of 2)

Folder 2.Binder #6 Historical File of Pastors, Vol. I, 1794-1903, Bethabara Baptist Church (2 of 2)

Folder 3.Binder #7 Historical File of Pastors, Vol. II, 1903-Present, Bethabara Baptist Church (1 of 3)

Folder 4.Binder #7 Historical File of Pastors, Vol. II, 1903-Present, Bethabara Baptist Church (2 of 3)

Folder 5.Binder #7 Historical File of Pastors, Vol. II, 1903-Present, Bethabara Baptist Church (3 of 3)

Box 3

Folder 1. Abstracts from Minutes of Chestnut Ridge Baptist Church, Laurens County, S.C.

Folder 2. Biographical History of Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church, by Rev. Buddy Harrison, 1997

Folder 3. Correspondence, unrelated, 1968-1969

Folder 4. Graveyards and Meeting Houses Mentioned in Laurens Deeds [publication unknown]

Folder 5. Postcard, the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY, aerial view of campus

Folder 6. Sample booklets of church anniversary celebrations

Folder 7. Short sketches of churches in Reedy River Association 1834-37 [handwritten]

Folder 8. Sketch of the Reedy River Association, 1834; Extract from The Triennial Baptist Register, No. 2-1836

Folder 9. Turkey Creek Church Minutes [Notes from]