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InterLibrary Loan / Scan & Deliver Services

PASCAL Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost?

All PASCAL services are free.

Just how fast is fast?

Books should arrive within 3-5 business days.

How many books can I check out at a time?

Up to 50 PASCAL items per person at one time. Fifty items includes all those in the system from Requested to Returned.

How long is the checkout period?

  • PASCAL  Delivers - 6 week loan period
  • PASCAL Visiting Patron - 3 week loan period
  • PICKUP Anywhere - 6 week loan period

How will I know when my books arrive?

You will receive an email the day your book arrives.

Where do I pickup my books?

At the Circulation desk in the main library.

Do I need anything special to submit my request?

You will need your Furman ID number to place your request.

What if the book I want is not in the PASCAL catalog?

Use InterLibrary Loan Services to expand your borrowing net to libraries beyond SC.


What if I need something other than a book, like a DVD or a specific journal article?

Use InterLibrary Loan Services.


For More PASCAL FAQs . . .