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To insert a banner image on this page, add HTML in this content box, inside the div that has a classname of 'fu-home-img-temp'. You can wrap an anchor element around the image if needed.  Do not edit the ''fu-home-img-temp' div, only edit the HTML inside that div.
Posterized view of front of Duke Library in the Summer. View looks across the fountains, with plumes of water in the foreground and flower beds on the far side of the fountain.
<div class="fu-edit-mode-only" style="color: maroon; font-weight: bold;">
   Edit the box above this one. This is just an example. Edit *only* the img and/or anchor tags.

   <div class="fu-home-img-temp">

      <a href="">
         <img alt="DINS Day! '22 April 26 Support Furman Libraries Click here to see
         how" loading="lazy" />

   </div><!-- closes div.fu-home-img-temp -->

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