Some ILLiad Status Definitions
Check the status of your request in your ILLiad account
Awaiting Request Processing
- This can mean one of two things: we have received your request and it has gone through the copyright clearance process or you have requested a renewal for this item and it is being processed.
Awaiting Post Receipt Processing
- The requested material has arrived but is not yet ready for pickup.
Awaiting Recalled Processing
- The lending library has recalled the item and wants it sent back immediately. You will be notified by email that the item needs to be returned.
Awaiting Renewal OK Processing
- The lending library has granted a renewal on the item and the ILL staff is updating the request. You will be notified of the new due date by email.
Awaiting Unfilled Processing
- We have sent your request to potential lenders but no one has filled the request. We will continue to try to obtain the material from other sources.
Cancelled by Customer
- The patron has cancelled the request.
Cancelled by ILL Staff
- The request has been cancelled by ILL staff. By clicking the "View/Resubmit Cancelled Requests" button in your ILLiad account, you can obtain detailed information about the cancelled item. When ILL staff cancels an item, ILLiad immediately sends an e-mail message explaining the reason for the cancellation.
Checked Out to Customer
- The item has arrived, been processed by the ILL staff and has been checked out to the patron.
Customer Notified via E-Mail
- The item has arrived, been processed by the ILL staff and you should have received an email to pick up the item.
Delivered to Web
- The item has arrived, been processed by the ILL staff and posted to the patron's ILLiad account. It is available to be viewed and/or downloaded. Articles are availabe for 30 days and then they are automatically deleted.
Extremely Overdue and Blocked
- The item is more than 1 month overdue and the user has been blocked until the item is returned.
In Electronic Delivery Processing
- An article request has been received electronically. However, a computer error has prevented the article from being delivered to you. Contact library staff when article requests appear with this status.
Item Checked In
- The item has been returned by the patron, checked in by the ILL staff and is waiting return processing.
Received Incorrect/Partial Item
- The item received either does not match requested item or is incomplete. The ILL staff will determine the quickest way to correct the problem.
Request Finished
- The request has been successfully processed and completed. Requests with this status are archived under "View/Request History" button. (Cancelled requests are not considered finished requests and can be found under the "View/Resubmit Cancelled Requests" button).
Request Sent
- The request has been sent to potential lenders and ILL is waiting for a lender to ship the item.