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Sumner A. Ives Lantern Slides Collection, 1927-1933

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Contents List - Furman University

1. B&W photo. No caption. Group photo of people sitting and standing.

2. B&W photo. “Middle Saluda R. Jones ’33.” Group of people sitting and standing on rocks in a mountain stream.

3. B&W photo. “Biology class Judson Lake ’33.” Two men in a boat beside a group standing on shore.

4. B&W photo. No caption. Cars parked beneath trees next to a lake.

5. B&W photo. “Capt. Romain on boat. Sandy Point.” Group of people posing on a boat.

6. Colorized B&W photo. “Poe Pye weed, Turk’s Cox Lily.” Five people standing amongst tall plants.

7. B&W photo. No caption. Group of people posing next to a small waterfall and pond.

8. B&W photo. No caption. Group of people standing in a field.

9. B&W photo. “Panther Mt. 1930 Gen Bio.” Group of people, one man has a Furman tank tee shirt.

10. Colorized B&W photo. “Arboretum (Entrance). #1.” Landscape with walkway and stairs.

11. Colorized B&W photo. “Arboretum (Lake). #2.” View of a stream with buildings in the distance.

12. Colorized B&W photo. “Arboretum (Grotto). #3.” View of a gated arched stone entranceway.

13. B&W photo. “Rainbow Falls ’31.” Group posing in front of a waterfall. [Located near Jones Gap State Park (SC) access from the park)]

14. B&W photo. No caption. Unidentified building.

15. B&W photo. “Panther Mt. ’31.” Group of people posing outdoors.

16. B&W photo. “Around the Big Oak.” Group of people standing around a tree.

17. Colorized B&W photo. “Dionaea musapula.” African-American male kneeling behind a plant.

18. Colorized B&W photo. “Waterfall on Geer[sp] Highway 25 miles out.” View of a waterfall.

19. Colorized B&W photo. “Main Building (Furman Univ).” View of flowering plants in foreground with Main building, Greenville campus in the background.

20. B&W photo. “Main Building. F. U.” View of Main building, Greenville campus.

21. B&W photo. “Main Building. F. U. ‘31” View of Main building, Greenville campus.

22. B&W photo. “Home, Chancellor Waddy Thompson #1.” View of a house with a columned entrance. [House built between 1802-1806, later location of Greenville Senior High School.]

23. B&W photo. No caption. View of a house with a columned entrance. Same as #22.

24. B&W photo. “Stairway. Chancellor W. Thompson.” View of a stairway.

25. B&W photo. No caption. Glass broken. Group of people posing around a tree, person on left pointing a gun into the distance.

26. B&W photo. “Glen Cannon Falls ’31.” Two people sitting on a rock in front of a waterfall.

27. B&W photo. “At Rainbow Falls 1928.” Group of people posing near a waterfall. [Located near Jones Gap State Park, SC. Access from the park.]

28. Colorized B&W photo. “High Falls.” View of a waterfall. [Located in the Dupont Forest].

29. B&W photo. “Mt. Pisgah 1930.” Group of people posing.

30. B&W photo. “Gulls’ eggs. Sandy Point 1930.” Four people posing on a beach with a pile of eggs in front of them.

31. B&W photo. No caption. Four people posing on a beach holding eggs. Three of the four are the same as in #30.

32. B&W photo. “Enoree River at Pelham ‘33.” Group of people posing under a tree, river in background.

33. B&W photo. No caption. Unidentified building.

34. B&W photo. “Sourwood in bloom ‘31.” Group of people posing in front of trees.

35. B&W photo. No caption. Group of people posing in front of cars parked in front of a house.

36. B&W photo. “Buck Forest.” Group of people standing in a field, trees in the background.

37. B&W photo. No caption. Group of people standing beneath trees.

38. B&W photo. “Greenville ‘31.” View of a landscape.

39. B&W photo. “Buck and fawn River Falls 1928.” A buck deer and a fawn behind a chicken wire fence, a man with a walking stick standing behind them.

40. Colorized B&W photo. “Harietta.” Group posing on the steps of a house. [Harrietta Plantation, view of North elevation, U.S. Routes 17 & 701, McClellanville vicinity near the Santee River. Charleston County, South Carolina. Built c. 1807]

41. B&W photo. “Library. G.W. Earle.” Glass broken. View of a room with a fireplace.

42. B&W photo. “Group 1928.” Group of people posing on the side of a dirt road.

43. B&W photo. “Reindeer moss and Selaginella.” Group posing holding plants.

44. B&W photo. “Fairfield. Oldest on Santee ’30.” Group posing on the steps of a house. [Built ca. 1730, Fairfield Plantation is one of the oldest houses in the Santee River area]

45. B&W photo. “Biology Camp 1929.” Group posing, trees in background.

46. B&W photo. “Beside Rainbow Falls ’31.” Underside glass broken. Group posing at the base of a falls.

47. B&W photo. “Judson Lake.” View of a lake.

48. B&W photo. “Hampton Place 1930.” Group posing on the steps of a house.

49. B&W photo. “Panther Mt 1929.” Glass broken. Group posing on a huge boulder.

50. B&W photo. No caption. Group posing on a beach.

51. B&W photo. “Isle of Palms.” Group posing on a beach sitting between two palm trees and two wooden poles.

52. B&W photo. “Biology Class G.G. 1929.” Group posing.

53. B&W photo. “Zoology 1930.” Group posing, holding butterfly nets.

54. B&W photo. “High Falls 1930.” Glass broken. Group posing on rocks.

55. B&W photo. No caption. Group posing in a pile of large logs, wooden building to the left.

56. B&W photo. “Jones’ Meadow ’31.” Glass broken. View of people in foreground and meadow in background.

57. B&W photo. “Meadow above Woods Lake ’31.” Group posing in a grassy area with trees behind them.

58. B&W photo. “Burgess Glen 1927.” Group posing on bleachers.

59. B&W photo. No caption. Group posing in a wooded area.

60. B&W photo. “Rich Mt. 1929 Cabin.” Group posing in front of a cabin.

61. B&W photo. “Brook Green ’31.” Group posing under a tree, house in left background.