Box 1: Ancient Architecture (Italy, Greece, Egypt, Spain)
- Gisalda Tower (Seville, Spain)
- Gisalda Tower (Seville, Spain) Upper portion of the tower
- (Abdehrraman I naves?) The Mosque, (Cordoba, Spain) [Open courtyard with multiple pillers]
- Muslim Mosque, (Cordoba, Spain) [One window with small alter?]
- Patio of the Arrayanes, The Alhambra (Granada, Spain)
- Patio of the Lions, The Alhambra (Granada, Spain)
- Patio of the Lions, The Alhambra (Granada, Spain) Fountain and Courtyard
- Roman Memorial ordered by Augustus Caesar to one of his young sons (St. Remy, France) Archway
- Roman Memorial ordered by Augustus Caesar to one of his young sons (St. Remy, France) Tower
- Archaeological excavations of Ancient Roman City (St. Remy, France)
- Leaning Tower of Pisa (Pisa, Italy)
Box 2: Ancient Architecture (Italy, Greece, Egypt, Spain)
- Appian Way - pathway looking north to Rome, (Italy)
- Temple of Zeus (Athens, Greece) Front View
- Temple of Zeus (Athens, Greece) Back View
- Entrance to the Acropolis, (Athens, Greece)
- The Erechtheum, (Athens, Greece)
- The Pantheon, (Athens, Greece)
- The Basilica low courts, (Pompeii, Italy)
- Entrance to Aisles of Roman Arena, (Arles, France)
- Egyptian Hieroglyphics of King Djoser’s Tomb, (Saggara, Egypt)
- The Great Mosque of the Muslims, (Cairo Egypt)
- The Great Pyramid and Sphinx – Pharaoh Khufu, (El Giza, Egypt)
Box 3: Peru
- Chan Chan, Capitol of the Chimu
- Paramonga, Fortress of the Chimu
- Terrance Farming, Central Andes
- Chachani, (Arequipa, Peru)
- Indian Market (Huancayo, Peru)
- Urabamba River, headwaters of the Amazon
- Thrashing Grain, Urabamba River
- Fortress of Sacsahuaman
- The Road to Cuzco
- The Andes foreground
- Llamas from the Altiplano, Peru
- A brick road in Cruzco
- Holy City of the Inca (Machupicchu, Peru)
- Arial view of Holy City of the Inca (Machupicchu, Peru)
- Back Arial View of Holy City of the Inca Empire (Machupicchu, Peru)
- Central Railroad of Peru
Box 4: Brazil and Mexico
- [View of a man using a camera.]
- The Cathedral of Brasilia (Brasilia, Brazil) 1960
- The New Capital (Brasilia, Brazil) 1960
- The Senate and House of Representatives (Brasilia, Brazil) 1960
- Closer view of the Senate and House of Representatives (Brasilia, Brazil) 1960
- Aztec Temples next to Teotihuacán
- Teotihuacán- Aztec Temple of the Sun (Southern Mexico)
- Mayan Stela (Quirigua, Guatemala)
- Close view
- Mayan Stela (Quirigua, Guatemala)
- Spirit Candles burning in the vicinity of a Voo Doo Ceremony ( Interior, Brazil) 1960
- People Dancing in a Street during a Voo Doo Ceremony
- Voo Doo Cheiftress (Interior Brazil)
- Voo Doo Ceremony in the Deep Mountains of Brazil, 1960
- Giant Anthill (in the vicinity of Brasilia, Brazil)
- Office Building in the new capital of Brasilia, (Brasilia, Brazil) 1960
- Four Aztec Temples near Teotihuacán
- Steps of an Aztec Temple
- Back view of an Aztec Temple
- Picture of Mr C. Allan Steward (Charge of Affairs, United States Embassy), Mr. James H. Stebbiva (Consultant of WR (Drace?) and advisor to Governor Hellings group on South America), Ernest F. Hollings (Governor of South Carolina), Joe Enrique Machado (Governor of the Federal District of Venezuela), Mrs. Muchado (La Guairá, Venezuela)
- Portrait of an unidentified man in a hat.