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James J. Collins, Jr. Papers, 1943-1976

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Contents List

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Folder 1: Correspondence

Folder 2: Article clippings

Folder 3: Programs and brochure

Cassette tapes

  1. “Books, Authors & Critics,” undated
  2. “Books, Authors, Critics: Jim Collins – Ruth Plakias,” undated
  3. “Etcetera #1 3:50,” undated
  4. “Etcetera #39: 8:15,” undated
  5. “Etcetera: Aug. 15, 1976”
  6. “Etcetera 8-18-76”
  7. “Etcetera Sept. 5, ‘76”
  8. “Etcetera 9-19-76”
  9. “Etcetera: Oct 3 1976”
  10. “Etcetera: 10-31-76”