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The Paladin Legacy Project: Preserve Your Stories: Why Archive?


Why Archive section. This banner includes photos of students engaged in various campus organization activities

Image of documents generated by the Environmental Action Group.

Your organizations can live beyond your time at Furman and you never know when someone in the future might need to reference back to the documents your organization is making in the present. 

Preserving your records can show the progress and development of your club over time and the lasting impact of your efforts on campus and beyond.

You never know when files, either physical or digital--including social media--could be lost and without backups. 

What's wonderful about preservation is that:

  1. You can choose what you do and do not want to enter into the Archives
  2. You do not have to preserve everything or anything your group chooses not to.

You are not obligated to share all or any information you feel uncomfortable sharing. Additionally, if you have materials that are of high value, controversial, or sensitive there are security measures that can be put in place. We can implement privacy options:

  • Access restriction: who and for how long
  • Use restriction: limits on how materials can be used by those with access.
  • Redaction: sensitive information in a document that should be concealed.