Series I. Research
Box 1:
Folder 1. S.C. Historical Marker Plans, 1987
Folder 2. Southern Baptist Seminary, 1859-1877 – Marker laid on original site, Sept. 1953
Folder 3. Research on Greenville while SBTS was there
Folder 4. Newspaper Clippings
Folder 5. Program, SBTS – Marker Dedication of original site, July 21, 1987
Series II. SBTS Publications
Folder 6. Alumni magazine, Southern Seminary News, Nov 1934, Aug 1936 [under the presidency of John R. Sampey]
Folder 7. Alumni magazine, The Tie, Sep 1949, Jul 1957, Apr-Jun-Dec 1959
Folder 8. Booklet, brochures, program for SBTS Jubilee, 1909, 1923
Folder 9. Brochure, “The Beeches,” 1927
Folder 10. Brochures, SBTS
Folder 11. Catalogs, SBTS 1859-60, 1860-61, 1868-69, 1874-75, 1876-77, 1877-78, 1928-29, 1985-87
Folder 12. Commencement Programs, SBTS 1860—61, 1868, 1875, 1877, 1959, 1984
Folder 13. Historical Sketches
Folder 14. From the Desk of James P. Boyce, 1858-1860
Folder 15. Certificate, [Independence Day] Centennial Commemoration, July 4, 1876
Folder 16. LP (78 RPM) Address of President John R. Sampey, undated [SBTS fifth president 1929-1942; president of the Southern Baptist Convention 1936-1938]
Box 2:
Folder 1. Seminary Magazine, Dec 1891, Apr 1892
Folder 2. The Review and Expositor, A Baptist Theological Quarterly, edited by Faculty of SBTS, January, 1910, Vol. VII No. 1
Series III: Published Material
Folder 3. The Claims of Biblical Interpretation on Baptists: Being the inaugural address of Rev. C. H. Toy, on his induction into the professorship of Old Testament interpretation in the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, at Greenville, S.C., September 1st, 1869
Folder 4. Memorial, Edgar Young Mullins: A Study in Christian Character, 1928
Folder 5. Booklet, Early Struggles of The Southern Baptist Seminary and How Success was Achieved by Robert W. Sanders, 1923
Folder 6. Anniversary Address delivered on the second commencement of the SBTS at Greenville, S.C., May 27, 1861 by Rev. T. Winkler, D.D.
Map Case 4, Drawer 6 folder:
Folder 1. Newspaper, The Baptist Argus, Louisville, Ky., June 16, 1904; Louisville Herald Post, September 15, 1929
Folder 2. Historical Sketches. Newspaper, The Greenville Daily News, February 25, 1882
Folder 3. Street maps of Greenville, 1844, 1860 and undated