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T. Edwin Ware Family Papers, 1784-1967; bulk 1832-1895

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Contents List

Box 1 - 1784-1856


  1. 1784 - Land Deed and Legal Bill
  2. 1785 - Land Deed
  3. 1786 - Land Deed and Land Grant [all digitized]
  4. 1791 - Land Grant and Land Survey
  5. 1793 - Land Deed
  6. 1795 - Land Grant
  7. 1796 - Land Deed and Deed of Conveyance
  8. 1798 - Land Survey
  9. 1800 - Land Deed
  10. 1804 - Correspondence
  11. 1805 - Land Deed
  12. 1810 - Bond & Payment Record
  13. 1811 - Land Deed
  14. 1812 - Land Deed, Deed of Conveyance, Statement of wife giving up property rights, & Will  [all digitized]
  15. 1813 - Land Deed
  16. 1814 - Land Deed
  17. 1822 - Land Survey
  18. 1823 - Payment Records
  19. 1824 - Land Survey & Statement
  20. 1826 - Statement of wife giving up property rights & Land Grant
  21. 1830 - Payment Record
  22. 1831 - Receipt, Land Grant & Land Survey
  23. 1832 - Will, Letter of Administration, Pay Promises & Payment Records
  24. 1833 - "Mrs. Pinnel Advertisement," Appointment of Executor, Letter of Administration, Payment Promise, Payment Records & Receipts
  25. 1834 - Order for Estate, Land Deed & Bill of sale, Receipt, Payment Records
  26. 1835 - Land Deed, Legal Bills
  27. 1836 - Extract from Will, Legal Bills & Payment Records, Receipts, Bills of Sale
  28. 1837 - Land Deed, Bill of Sale & Payment Record, & Legal Bills
  29. 1838 - Assessment of land & slave value of estate, Correspondence, Legal Bills, Payment Promise, Payment Records, Bills of Sale, & Receipts  [all digitized]
  30. 1839 - Correspondence, Legal Bills, Payment Promises, Payment Records, Bills of Sale, & Receipts
  31. 1840 - Land Deeds, Payment Promises, Legal Bills, Correspondence, Payment Records, Receipts, Bills of Sale
  32. 1841 - Legal Bills, Payment Promises, Land Deeds, Relinquishment Paper, Payment records, Receipts, Bills of Sale
  33. 1842 - Payment Promises, Legal Bills, Payment Records, Receipts, Bills of Sale
  34. 1842 - Slave Deed  [all digitized]
  35. 1842 - Slave Deed
  36. 1843 - Bills of Sale, Payment Promise, Legal Bills
  37. 1844 - Power of Attorney, Receipt, Payment Promise
  38. 1845 - Bills of Sale, Contract  [contract digitized]
  39. 1846 - Bills of Sale, Receipts, Payment Records, Payment Promises & Land Deeds
  40. 1847 - Correspondence, Land Deed, Payment Promise
  41. 1848 - Subpoena, Tax Receipt, Legal Bills
  42. 1849 - Bill of Sale, Payment Records, Receipts, Tax Receipts, Payment Promises, Legal Bills, Power of Attorney, Stock Certificate, Land Deed
  43. 1850 - Bills of Sale, Payment Records, Receipts, Payment Promises, Tax Receipts, Bill of SC Female Collegiate Institution, Endowment from Furman
  44. 1851 - Orders for Sale by Ordinary Administrators Bond, Tax Receipts, Payment Promises, Legal Bills, Estate, Bill of Sale, Receipts, Payment Records
  45. 1852 - Estate, Tax Receipts, Payment Promises, Bill of Sale, Payment Records, Receipts
  46. 1853 - Estate of Elizabeth Pinnell
  47. 1853 - Record of Note Collection, Statement of Payment, Payment Promise, Tax Receipts
  48. 1854 - Subscription to Southern Patriot, Tax Receipts, Subscription to Greenville Mountaineer, Payment Notes, Land Deed, Notes of Packages Received, Bill of Sale, Payment Promise, Misc. Bill of Sales  [all digitized]
  49. 1854 - Slave Bill of Sale  [all digitized]
  50. 1855 - Payment Promise, Legal Bill, Bills of Sale, Tax Receipts, Will, Endowment, Subscription to Southern Patriot, Correspondence, Forman Patent Plow
  51. 1856 - Legal Bill, Payment Promises, Tax Receipts, Bills of Sale, Estate Settlement, Land Lease, Land Deed
  52. 1856 - Stageway Bill, Contracts, Copy of Joint Bond, Guardianship Bond, SC Agricultural Society Membership, Bill for SC Female Collegiate Institution

Box 2 - 1857-1888


  1. 1857 - Legal Bills, Payment Promises, Tax Receipts, Correspondence, Land Deed, Bills of Sale, Payment Records, Receipts, Leather Ordering Book, Fair Ticket, Statement for General Board of Commissioners, Statement of Horse Ownership
  2. 1858 - Tax Receipts, Payment Promises, Legal Bills, Bills of Sale, Receipts, Payment Records
  3. 1858 - Bill of Sale, Legal Bill
  4. 1859 - Bills of Sale, Payment Promises, Legal Bills, Correspondence, Ware Plantation Sales, Farm of Hire, Vouchers
  5. 1860 - Payment Promises, Legal Bills, Menu, Campaign Letter, Estate of Duncan Ware, Bills of Sale, Payment Records, Receipts
  6. 1861 - Legal Bills, Payment Promises, Reception Card, Correspondence, Bills of Sale, Payment Records, Receipts
  7. 1862 - Payment Promises, Tax Receipts, Correspondence, Land Deed, Bills of Sale, Payment Records, Receipts, The Greenville Supply Co. Papers
  8. 1863 - Payment Promises, Tax Receipts, Subscription to Daily Courier, Bills of Sale, Payment Records, Receipts, Article of Universal Life Insurance
  9. 1864 - Payment Promises, Tax Receipts, Correspondence, Bond Slips for Confederate States of US, Bills of Sale, Payment Records, Receipts  [bond slips digitized]
  10. 1865 - Tax Receipts, Tax form, Correspondence, Bills of Sale, Payment Records, Receipts
  11. 1865 - Pledge to the United States  [all digitized]
  12. 1866 - Legal Bills, Payment Promise, Correspondence, Contracts, Bills of Sale, Payment Records, Receipts  [contracts digitized]
  13. 1866 - Contracts for paid labor  [all digitized]
  14. 1867 - Tuition Statements, Tax Receipts, Bills of Sale, Payment Records, Receipts, Correspondence, Payment Acknowledgement  [tuition statements digitized]
  15. 1868 - Payment Promise, Tax Receipts, Legal Bills, Subpoena, Insurance Co. pamphlet, Bills of Sale, Payment Records, Receipts
  16. 1869 - Correspondence, Shareholder certificate, Tax Request, Insurance Agent Certificate, Bills of Sale, Payment Records, Receipts
  17. 1870 - Correspondence, Tax Receipts, Payment Promises, Subpoena, Stock holder tickets, Bills of Sale, Payment Records, Receipts, Proclamation of General Lee's death
  18. 1871 - Tax Receipts, Bill for Greenville Enterprise, Bill of Sale, Payment Records, Receipts
  19. 1872 - Correspondence, Legal Bills, Contract, Ad for Parlor Still, Bills of Sale, Receipts
  20. 1873 - Tax Receipts, Payment Promise, Legal Bill
  21. 1874 - Tax Receipt
  22. 1876 - Payment Promise
  23. 1878 - Payment Record
  24. 1879 - Correspondence
  25. 1880 - Mortgage, Payment Promise
  26. 1881 - Receipts and Payment Records
  27. 1882 - Receipts and Bills of Sale
  28. 1883 - City Tax Receipts, Bank Notice, Payment Records & Receipts
  29. 1884 - Payment Records and Receipts
  30. 1885 - Envelope for Manufacturing Co., Contract
  31. 1886 - Tax Receipts, Tax Return Form, Receipts and Payment Records
  32. 1887 - Tax Receipt, Live Stock Contract, Title, Payment Records and Receipts
  33. 1888 - Subpoena, Correspondence, Receipts, Payment Records, Bills of Sale, Note & Mortgage, Mortgage of Real Estate

Box 3 - 1889-1957; dates unknown; fragments; and “Old Country Roads”


  1. 1889 - Subpoenas, Contract, Correspondence, Accounts, Liens, Mortgage, Bills of Sale, Payment Records, Receipts  [liens and notes and mortgages digitized]
  2. 1889 - Account of Gray & Pickle 
  3. 1880s - Payment Records, T. E. Ware Account (exact year unknown)
  4. 1890 - Payment Promises, Correspondence, Freight Tariff Sheet, Note & Mortgage, Bills of Sale, Payment Records, Receipts, Liens, Stock Certificates
  5. 1891 - Payment Promise, Account, Note & Mortgage, Liens, Picture  [liens digitized]
  6. 1892 - Payment Promise, Tax Receipts, Envelope, Liens, Note & Mortgage
  7. 1893 - Payment Promise, Note & Mortgage, Liens
  8. 1894 - Tax Receipts
  9. 1895 - Payment Promise, Tax Receipts, Correspondence, Envelopes, Bill of Lading, Payment Assessment, Bills of Sale, Payment Records, Receipts
  10. 1896 - Empty Bill of Sale, Voter Registration Card
  11. 1897 - Tax Receipts
  12. 1898 - Tax Receipts
  13. 1890s - Payment Assessment (exact year unknown)
  14. 1901 - Tax Receipts
  15. 1903 - Tax Receipts
  16. 1905 - Subscription to Greenville News Co.
  17. 1908 - Bill of Sale
  18. 1909 - Disability Policy
  19. 1910 - Envelope, Shipping Order
  20. 1911 - Land Deed
  21. 1914 - Mortgage of Real Estate
  22. 1917 - Insurance Policies
  23. 1918 - Correspondence
  24. 1921 - Lease of City Property
  25. 1924 - Insurance Policies
  26. 1938 - Correspondence
  27. 1959 - Article from Augusta Chronicle (copy)
  28. 1967 – “History of the Ware Family” by Bobby and Gail Ware
  29. Undated Legal Bills, Bills of Sale, Payment Records, Receipts, Mortgages, Subscription, Exhibit Ticket, Articles, "The Wages of Sin's Breath," "Victoria Linseed Oil Substitute"
  30. Undated Correspondence, Envelopes, Picture, Business Cards, Undated
  31. List of Ware & Duncan Workers, Land Survey, Written Works, Bills of Sale, Payment Records, Receipts
  32. Undated Fragments  [List of Ware & Duncan Negroes digitized]
  33. Receipts Paid for Estates of Turner Pinnell and T.E. Ware
  34. “Our Old Roads” Newspaper Article Series, Greenville Index Journal by Henry Legare Watson (copies)
  35. Selection of Digitized Ware Family Documents on a CD



  1. 1792 - Land Deed
  2. 1793 - Land Grant
  3. 1800 - Land Grant
  4. 1807 - Land Deed, Statements of Wives Renouncing Property Rights
  5. 1808 - Land Deed
  6. 1808 - Land Deed
  7. 1812 - Land Deed
  8. 1818 - Land Deed
  9. 1819 - Land Deed
  10. 1824 - Contract
  11. 1825 - Land Deed
  12. 1834 - Land Deed
  13. 1839 - Land Deed
  14. 1841 - Land Deeds, Relinquishment
  15. 1842 - Land Grant
  16. 1844 - Sheriff's Title
  17. 1846 - Land Deed
  18. 1851 - Estate of Elizabeth Pinnell, Bill of Sale
  19. 1852 - Bills of Sale
  20. 1855 - Bills of Sale
  21. 1856 - Bill of Sale
  22. 1858 - Land Deed, Bill of Sale
  23. 1860 - Will of Murray Woodson
  24. 1861 - Bills of Sale
  25. 1864 - Slave Bill of Sale, Ledger Notes
  26. 1867 - Bills of Sale
  27. 1868 - Bills of Sale
  28. 1869 - Land Deed, Life Association of America Flyler, Insurance
  29. 1870 - Proclamation of General R.E. Lee's Death
  30. 1893 - Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Policy
  31. 1909 - Disability Policy for Edwin Foote Ware
  32. Fragments, Land Grants, Date unknown
  33. Fragments, Date unknown



  1. 1805 - Land Deed
  2. 1859 - Free-Mason Membership
  3. 1863 - Confederate States Loan for $1,000 [all digitized]

Map Case 2, Drawer 4

  • 1898 Fire Insurance Policy