Folder 1. Manuscript, “Travels and Travails”
Poems in order:
- Up North? Down East!, October 1994
- Oregon Coast 1991
- Costa Rica 1995
- Sailing the Leewards 1999
- TCS Flight AMM-52
- Europe 2000
- In Kiwi-Land á trois, 2006
- Annemarie, 2010
Folder 2. Correspondence, 2013
Folder 3. Article, “Another Swiss Émigré Down South,” by Dr. Roger R. Varin, photocopy [fixed to inside cover of Swiss American Historical Society Review, vol. 47 no. 1, February 2011]
Accession 2015-095
Folder 4. Manuscript, “Travels and Travails” [illustrated version]
Poems in order:
- Annemarie
- Up North? Down East!, 1994
- Oregon Coast 1991
- Costa Rica 1995
- Sailing the Leewards, 1999
- Europe 2000
- In Kiwi-Land á trois, 2006
- Journey to History’s LOST CITIES, 1999: TCS Flight AMM-52