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Furmaniana Reference Files

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Personnel Reference Files


  • Abernethy, Ken
  • Able, Capt. LeGrand Guerry '34
  • Abstance, Joe '38
  • Acker, Hoyt, Jr. - WWII
  • Acker, Joel, Jr. - WWII
  • Adams, Alice Benson '23
  • Aho, Russell E. '55
  • Aiesi, Donald P.
  • Aiken, Jefferson Boone
  • Alford, Charles
  • Alford, Elizabeth Robertson
  • Allen, Charles Howard '43
  • Allen, Clifton Judson'23 (1901-1986)
  • Allen, Gilbert
  • Alley, J. Lyles '33
  • Alley, J. Lyles "Bud" Jr. '64 (See also Oversize)
  • Alley, Mrs. Lyles (Margaret E.) and children
  • Allison, Doug
  • Altman, Ernest M.
  • Alverson, Betty J. '57
  • Ambrose, Charles M. '83
  • Anders, John H., Jr. - WWII
  • Anderson, Brannon
  • Anderson, John Todd
  • Anderson, M.T. '29
  • Anderson, Maxie L. - WWII
  • Anderson, Paul H.-Registrar
  • Anderson, Peter- swimming coach
  • Anderson, Susan Young '64 (1942-1974)
  • Angelou, Maya
  • Arnold, Sam H. '37
  • Arrington, Dr. C.A. "Tony" '60
  • Asbury, A.D. '17
  • Ashley, Francis
  • Ashmore, Nelle B. '29
  • Ashmore, Robert T. '27
  • Ashy, Peter J.
  • Avery, Ilene Eleanor [1982 honorary degree]
  • Averyt, Edwin Franklin
  • Axe, David, Class of 2000


  • Babb, Mary E. Davis (1914-2004) [oral history]
  • Babb, Winston Chandler (1913-1968) [faculty 1946-1968]
  • Baggott, James Lee, Class of 1915 (1894-1991)
  • Bagwell, Ben P.
  • Bagwell, William F. “Bill” ’47 (1923-2006) 
  • Bailes, Robert William “Bill” ’29 (1930-1967)
  • Bainbridge, Judith G. [faculty 1976-2007]
  • Baker, Art
  • Baker, Ira Lee
  • Baker, William J. '60
  • Ballew, Charles ’49 (1925-2016) [oral history] 
  • Bandelin, Janis M.
  • Banister, Thomas Sloan (Class of 1908)
  • Barbour, Fannie J. '49
  • Barden, Ronald S.
  • Barefoot, Roland C. '55
  • Barnes, Romayne A. '26 (1906-1994)
  • Barton, Eula '17
  • Basinger, Nick T., Class of 2009
  • Bass, Robert Duncan [faculty]
  • Bates, Jr., Lester Lee '53 (1931-2009)
  • Bates, Rudolph D. (1929-1996) [faculty]
  • Batson, Charles Alvin '38 (1916-2009)
  • Batson, John Dean ’74 [faculty 1982 – current] 
  • Batson, Wade T., Jr. ’34 (1912-2015)
  • Beardsley, Eleanor (Class of 1986)
  • Beckford, John [faculty 1976- ]
  • Beckman, Dan Felder '43
  • Belsey, Hugh (see Lady Impey)
  • Bennett, George [personnel 1986-1989]
  • Benson, Lloyd [faculty 1990-2021]
  • Berg, William D. “Bill” [Personnel 1999-2010]
  • Berry, Barbara A. [Personnel 1975-1978]
  • Beyer, Raymond H. (1902-1990) [attended 1920-1921]
  • Bien, Paul Beh-Nien (1903-1977) [faculty 1968-1971]
  • Biersteker, Joseph J. [faculty 1978-1985]
  • Bisher, James Furman (1918-2012) [attended 1934-1936]
  • Bishop, Elizabeth "Betsy" '89
  • Bishop, Mahon '57
  • Bjorklund, Beth [faculty 1976-1979]
  • Black, Bobby Class of 1996
  • Blackwell, Albert L. [faculty 1971-2004]
  • Blackwell, Christopher W. [faculty 1996- ] 
  • Blackwell, Frank Class of 1990
  • Blackwell, Gordon Lyles ’60 (1939-2006)
  • Blackwell, Gordon Williams (1911-2004) ’32, President 1965-1976
  • Blackwell, Mrs. Gordon Williams (Elizabeth L.) 1913-2000
  • Blackwell, R. Judson ’29 (1906-1977)
  • Blackwell, Randolph Williams ’63 (1941-2009)
  • Blackwell, Reece Croxton (1903-1968) ’24 [faculty 1929-1931, 1934-1968]
  • Blackwood, Charles (1916-1995) [faculty 1948-1959]
  • Blalock, Charles Dillard ’36 [Doctor of Laws 1978]
  • Blazer, Doris ’69 [faculty 1970-1995]
  • Block, John M. ’63 [faculty 1968-2005]
  • Bloomfield, Maurice (1855-1928) [attended 1875-1876]
  • Blumenfield-Kedar, Tami [faculty 2012- ]
  • Bobo, John L. [1900-1991]
  • Bobo, Vivian Martin (1889-1989) [GFC Class of 1912]
  • Bocook, Jay ’75 [Faculty 1982-1989, 2000- ]
  • Bolden, Gitonya Class of 1995
  • Bon Appétit Management Company
  • Bonham, Milledge Louis, Jr., Ph.D. (1880-1941), Class of 1900
  • Bonhomie, origin of name
  • Bonner, Francis W. (1917-2009) [Faculty 1949-1953 ; personnel 1953-1982]
  • Bonner, A. Frank '69
  • Bonny, Alan [faculty 1979-1983]
  • Bost, David Herbert [faculty 1981- ]
  • Bowdler, George '43
  • Boyce, James Petigru (1827-1888) [Faculty 1855-185?; BOT 1853-55; 1858-60]
  • Bozard, John Fallow ’26 (-1985) [Faculty 1929-1939]
  • Bradshaw, Sidney Ernest (1869-1938)
  • Brantley, William H.
  • Brasington, Dick
  • Breazeale, Harold "Jerry" Sr. (1940-2000) - staff
  • Brewer, Charles L.
  • Bridges, James E. - WWII
  • Bright, Terri
  • Broadway, J. William
  • Brockman, Bennett A.
  • Brockman, David Dean
  • Brodie, Otis B. - WWI
  • Brown, Robert L.
  • Brown-Trickey, Minniejean
  • Brunson, James Edwin "Doc"
  • Brunson, Jonathan "Joe", Jr. '71 (1949-2000)
  • Brunson, Margaret L.
  • Buckley, Sidney S.
  • Buddie, Mike
  • Buffington, Willie Lee
  • Buford, Thomas O. (1932- 2018) [faculty 1969-2006]
  • Buice, Jack
  • Buist, E.T. (1809-1988)
  • Burchfielfd, Dr. Joe D.
  • Burford, Thomas O.
  • Burgess, Faye
  • Burgess, Marie
  • Burnett, Jessie Stokely (1882-1979)
  • Burton, Vernon
  • Burts, Charles W.
  • Bush, President George W., Commencement Speaker, 2008
  • Busha, Charles H.
  • Byars, Mary Katheryn


  • Caldwell, Robert A. "Robbie" '77 [staff 1978-1986]
  • Caldwell, Thomas Price, Jr. [faculty 1969-1973]
  • Campbell, James M. - WWII
  • Carnes, James Jerome "Jimmy" [track coach]
  • Carr, Raymond L. [alum]
  • Carr, Wilbur L. [athletic staff 1958-1966]
  • Carrier, Garland [GWC '25, staff]
  • Carter, H. Kennon [faculty 1968-1975]
  • Carter, Sherry [athletic staff 1982-2002]
  • Cartledge, Louisa B., 1923-2011 [staff 1972-1981]
  • Casbon, Susan
  • Casey, Roger N. '83
  • Caskey, Ernest L. - WWII
  • Cass, Richard '53
  • Cassady, John R., II
  • Cassidy, Jason [administration]
  • Cater, Rev. Richard Bohun [Greenville Female Academy]
  • Caterisano, Anthony [Faculty 1983- ]
  • Caudell, Lowry J., Jr.
  • Cauthen, Irby B., Jr. '40 (1919-1994)
  • Cave, Leonard Edward '67 (1944-2006)
  • Chambers, Alex (faculty)
  • Chance, Bob (faculty 1988-2021)
  • Chapman, Judson (alumni)
  • Chapman, Paul H. '42
  • Chapman, Montie Marie (see Crosland, Montie Marie)
  • Cheatham, John H.
  • Cherry, Charles Maurice
  • Chesebro, Gayle
  • Chesebro, Dr. Robert
  • Childree, Randall
  • Chiles, Marguerite Moore
  • Chiles, Ruba C.
  • Christenberry, George A.
  • Christie, Luke
  • Christie, William M. (faculty)
  • Clanton, Don [faculty 1962-1985]
  • Clark, Gary '74 [Athletic Director 2000-2015]
  • Clawson, Carl (1919-2016)
  • Clayton, John Glenwood
  • Clinton, Hillary
  • Cloer, Thomas
  • Clowney, Martin Ansel - WWII
  • Cody, Lois
  • Coggins, Lois Aileen
  • Coker, Walter Lee
  • Coleman, Grace
  • Colvin, Jennifer "Jenny" L. [Librarian Faculty 2006-2022]
  • Coniglio, John G.
  • Connors, Manning Austin (1866-1909) and Mattie Staggers (1869-1960)
  • Cook, Harvey Tolliver, alumnus and faculty
  • Cook, Lucia Belle
  • Cooke, James Vassie (J.V.) '30
  • Copeland, James Isaac
  • Cothran, James Kenneth, Jr.
  • Cothran, John & Jeanette
  • Cottingham, Walter Lee
  • Cover, James Dan
  • Cox, Hiden Toy
  • Cox, Jerry L.
  • Cox, Robert L. - WWII
  • Crabtree, John Henry, Jr. [Faculty & Admin 1957-1993]
  • Crabtree-Stewart Lecture in Literary Studies
  • Crain, J. Dean (1881- )
  • Crantford, Carey S.
  • Crapps, Robert W.
  • Crawford, Allen P. '36
  • Croft, Julia Wood Landrum
  • Crosland, Marion Wise (baseball scrapbook 1932/33)
  • Crosland, Montie Marie Chapman (1911-1989)
  • Crowe, Janis Adams
  • CroweTipton, Vaughn
  • Cruz, Angel
  • Culbertson, Zillie (Workman)
  • Cummins, Doug
  • Cunningham, G. Watts
  • Curtis, Thomas


  • D’Amato, Susan S. (faculty 1983-2021)
  • Da Luz, Guilherme
  • Daniel, Beth
  • Daniel, Charles Ezra (1895-1964)
  • Daniel, Charles F.
  • Daniel, Charles P.
  • Daniel, Dillard Hind
  • Daniel, Evelyn Pack
  • Daniel, Homozel Mickel
  • Daniel, Robert Norman (1888-1956) (2 folders)
  • Darlington, Julian T. (1918-2006)
  • David, John H., Jr. - WWI
  • Davis, Cindy
  • Davis, Elizabeth Ph.D.[president]
  • Davis, J. Turner
  • Davis, Mary Eleanor Isbell ( -1922)
  • Day, Carolyn A. [faculty]
  • Day, William R. - WWII
  • De Francesco, Joe - WWII
  • Dearhart, William H. - WWII
  • DeLoache, William R.
  • Dempsey, Clint
  • DeVane, William C. [alum], (1898-1965)
  • Dew, Hartwell C. - WWII
  • Dobson, "Red"
  • Donald, Elizabeth
  • Donaldson, John O. W. (1898-1930)
  • Donnan, Murphree C. '24 (1892-1976)
  • Dorn, Drayton "Daddy"
  • Dorn, Johnson
  • Dripps, Weston
  • Drose, Chris
  • Duke, Doris
  • Duke, James Buchanan (1856-1925)
  • Duncan, Baruch Odell
  • Duncan, Jack '60 (1937-2022)
  • Duncan, Hansford A. (1819-1882), GFBC president 1855-1861
  • DuPré, Marshall Milton (1839-1917)
  • Dyer, Susan


  • Eades, Dean
  • Earle, James Buchanan
  • Earle, Joseph Baylis (1862-1943), Class of 1882
  • Earle, Marshall Delph, Class of 1889 (1871-1934) [faculty 1899-1934]
  • Earle, Samuel Broadus
  • Earle, Theron
  • Earle, Wilton R.
  • Ebaugh, Laura Smith
  • Edens, Bob
  • Edens, Bryan
  • Edwards, Broadman Wallace- WWII
  • Edwards, James C.
  • Ehrenreich, Barbara
  • Einstein, Albert (1879-1955)
  • Einstein, Gilles O. Ph.D [faculty 1977 -   ]
  • Einstein, Hans (1923-2012)
  • Einstein, Hans Albert (1904-1973)
  • Ellett, Joseph Carlyle
  • Ellett, Ted
  • Elliott, Philip
  • Ellis, Dan A.
  • Endel, Hyman - Endel Medals
  • England, Martin
  • Enloe, Richard “Mr. Rick”
  • Epps, Preston Hershel
  • Eskew, Harry
  • Estridge, Larry '66
  • Etheridge, Alvin - WWII
  • Everitt, Jack M.
  • Ezell, H. Kay, Jr.
  • Ezell, Samuel Bryson (Ezell Scholarship)


  • Fallaw, W. C.
  • Farley, M. Foster
  • Faxon, Brad
  • Fay, Alice D.
  • Fayonsky, Sam - WWII
  • Fedster, W. L.
  • Feight, Andrew Lee
  • Ferrata, Chevalier Giuseppe [GWC music faculty 1894-1900]
  • Fisher, Dr. Paul Lewis
  • Flemming, Lillian Brock
  • Flowers, Thomas E. '50 [faculty 1959-1989]
  • Foreman, Karen
  • Forgione, Lou & Rose
  • Foster, Barbara Blolock
  • Fouché, David L.
  • Fowler, Bruce
  • Fowler, Lucius S. (1881- ? )
  • Frady, Marshall (see also Oversize Flat, 2 folders)
  • Franklin, Angela Walker '81
  • Franks, Sadie
  • Friddle, Mindy [Class of 1986]
  • Fuller, Ellis Adams (1891-1950)
  • Furman, Alester Garden (1867-1962)
  • Furman, Mrs. Alester Garden (Eleanor "Nellie" Hoyt), 1868-1957
  • Furman, Alester Garden, Jr. (1895-1980)
  • Furman, Mrs. Alester Garden, Jr. (Janie Kennedy Earle), 1894-1993
  • Furman, Alester Garden, III (1918-2007)
  • Furman, Mrs. Alester Garden, III (Mary Simms Oliphant), 1918-2013
  • Furman Family
  • Furman Family Obituaries
  • Furman Family, William B. Furman, Jr. (1918-2010)
  • Furman Family - Oversize
  • Furman, Felicia
  • Furman, James C. (1809-1891)
  • Furman, James C. (1897-1988)
  • Furman, Joseph Earle '43 (1923 - 2021)
  • Furman, McDonald
  • Furman President's Wives
  • Furman, Richard (1755-1825) See Baptist Biographies
  • Furman, Richard Clement (1951-2015)
  • Furman, Wood (1779-1840)
  • Futch, Olivia


  • Gaines, Francis Pendleton Sr.
  • Gaines, Tilman Rowland (1834-1899)
  • Gainsborough, Thomas (see Lady Impey)
  • Gamble, Laura
  • Gambrell, Mary Latimer
  • Gambrell, Reuben Jackson
  • Gardner, Alexander
  • Gardner, Charles T. - WWI
  • Gardner, Eugene Elmore
  • Garihan, John M.
  • Garing, A.J. 
  • Garrett, David G.
  • Garrett, Katrinnia G.
  • Garrison, Mary A. Lipscomb
  • Garchell, Mike
  • Gatica, Temoteo '32
  • Geer, Bennette Eugene, 1873-1964 [Class of 1896, faculty 1897-1911, President 1933-1938] 
  • Gentry, Dorothy Johnson (staff 1959-1982)
  • Getsinger, Buist Cuthbert
  • Gezork, Herbert
  • Gibson, David
  • Gibson, Elisie Dill
  • Gibson, George H.
  • Gideon, Eunice Duncan
  • Gilpatrick, Delbert H., 1892-1981 [faculty]
  • Gilpatrick, Meta Eppler, 1895-1980 [faculty]
  • Gingrich, Newt
  • Glenn, Lawrence Mell
  • Goddard, Francis B.
  • Gioia, Laura
  • Goldsmith, Charlotte Manly (Mrs. T.T.)
  • Goldsmith, Thomas T., Jr. '31 (1910-2009)
  • Good, Ed
  • Gordon, Donald
  • Gould, Glenn
  • Grant, Amy [student 1978-1980]
  • Grant, Rev. James E. - Furman Director of Religious Activities
  • Grant, Sallie J., Ph.D [faculty 1971-1993]
  • Grant, Steve '80
  • Grassano, Tom '83
  • Greer, Michael '39
  • Gregorian, Vartan - see Library Dedication (2004)
  • Gresham, Ray D. '38
  • Griffin, Gray
  • Griffin, Roy A. - WWII
  • Griffith, Reginald Harvey, Class of 1892
  • Grisham, John
  • Gullick, Herbert D. '43 (1922-2000)
  • Gunin, Nina Entzminger, GWC '11 (1892-1978)
  • Gunter, Lueco
  • Guth, James L.


  • Haggai, Thomas
  • Hahn, Robbie
  • Haight, Elmer Francis (1896-1989)
  • Haley, Alex
  • Halfacre, Dr. Angela C. (Mrs. David E. Shi) '92
  • Hall, Zach
  • Halva-Neubauer, Glen A.
  • Hamilton, Mrs. Marie (Padgett)
  • Hamrick, James L.
  • Hanks, Tim
  • Harden, Kathryn Paige '03
  • Harrill, Ernest E. (1917-2011)
  • Harris, Hazel
  • Harris, Jere Malcolm
  • Harris, John
  • Harris, Lark
  • Hart, Thomas E.
  • Hartness, Thomas S.
  • Hartwell, John B. (correspondences located in RG 45, Winnsboro and High Hills)
  • Hausmann, Vincent J. (1959-2017) 
  • Hawkins, Frederick M. (1811-1891)
  • ​Hays, Marguerite
  • Hays, Tommy '71 - author
  • Heacock, Walter J. Ph.D. '43
  • Healy, Chris
  • Hebblethwaite, Ronald L. (Planting of New Campus grounds) [See also New Campus - Landscaping]
  • Held, McDonald W.
  • Heller, Max (1919-2011)
  • Herring, Nan Trammell '29
  • Hestermann, Eli
  • Hewell, Marion McJunkin '19
  • Hicken, Leslie W. [faculty 1993-2019]
  • Hicks, Elija M. "Lige", Jr. '41 (1920-2013)
  • Hill, Alan G.
  • Hill, Philip
  • Hillers, Kathleen Childress
  • Hipp, Herman Neel '35 and Jane Hipp
  • Hipp, Herman Neel Hipp, Jr. '73
  • Hipps, Gary Melvin
  • Hodgson, Ralph G., Jr. - WWII
  • Holbrook, Margaret Tinsley (GWC Class of 1916)
  • Holcomb, Brent H.
  • Hollingsworth, John D.
  • Hopkins-Hughs, Diane [adj. faculty 1989-2006]
  • Horton, David A. - WWII
  • Hoskins, John
  • Howard, Irene S. (Whitmire) "Mother"
  • Hoyt, James Alfred (1837-1904)
  • Hoyt, James Alfred Jr. Class of 1897 (1877-1959)
  • Hoyt, Rebecca Caroline
  • Hubbard, Lincoln B.
  • Hudson, John H. Jr. '55
  • Huff, A.V. Jr.
  • Huff, Mary '99
  • Hunt, Davis
  • Hunt, R. Reed
  • Huppel, Grover - WWII


  • Imus, Don
  • Ives, Sumner Albert
  • Ivory, Louis
  • Jackson, Jesse [speaker] (1941- )
  • Jackson Wessel, Victoria '81
  • Jacobs, Thomas D., Jr. - WWII
  • James, Edward Carroll (GFC president 1901-1910)
  • James, Joseph H., Jr. - WWII
  • James, Marylee
  • Janho, Khalil
  • Jennings, Stephen G.
  • Jeter, Francis C.
  • Johns, John Edwin Ph.D., (1921-2007) [Class of 1947, Pres. 1976-1994]
  • Johns, John Edwin - Oversize Flat 3
  • Johns, Martha (Mauney), (1926-     ), [Class of 1947, 1st Lady 1976-1994]
  • Johnson, L.D. Ph.D.
  • Johnson, Ken
  • Johnson, Lore
  • Jones, Allen W.
  • Jones, Edward B.
  • Jones, Edward C.
  • Jones, Frederick L.
  • Jones, Hattie M. Finlay [GWC faculty]
  • Jones, Mary Scaife
  • Jones, Maryneal W.
  • Jones, Marquis E.
  • Jones, Newton B.
  • Jones, Oscar L.
  • Jones, William B., Jr. - WWII
  • Joyner, C. Dan
  • Joyner, Katherine
  • Judson, Charles H. [see also Oversize]
  • Judson, Mary Camilla
  • Julian, Linda Anne, Ph.D. (1946-2003)
  • Jung, Chu [first international student]


  • Kaup, Katherine Palmer [faculty 1997-  ]
  • Kazee, Thomas
  • Keeney, Wendell
  • Kelly, Elizabeth “Betty”
  • Kendrick, W. Moffett (1924-2023) [Admin 1967-1987]
  • Kendrick, Schaefer B.
  • Kennedy, Gladys Plowden (Mrs. Barron)
  • Kerry, John
  • Kerstetter, Rex
  • Keys, Furman F. - WWII
  • Keys, J.C. Jr.
  • Khandke, Kailash
  • Kilstofte, Mark
  • Kimbell, Richard B. - WWII
  • Kimmel, George C. [faculty 1957-60]
  • King, Betsy
  • King, Joe Madison
  • King, Robert "Bob"
  • Kinghorn, Warren
  • Kirkland, Don
  • Knight, Dr. Lon
  • Kohrt, Carl
  • Kooistra, Paul
  • Kratschell, Werner
  • Kubler, Donald E.


  • LaGrande, Frank Jr. - WWII
  • Lake, Hattie
  • Lake, J. Tillman
  • Lamb, Bobby
  • Laney, Gary
  • Lanneau, John Francis
  • Latimer, Susan Josephine Mobley (Mrs. William Clement)
  • Lattimore, Ralph Edward
  • Lavery, W.J.
  • Lawless II, James A. (1926-1998)
  • Lay, Herman Warden
  • League, William Adams - WWII
  • Leavell, James B.
  • Leeds, Carroll H.
  • Leverette, William E, Jr.
  • Lewis, Don
  • Lewis, Dr. H. Merrills (1908-1979) Faculty 1936-1948
  • ​Ligon, Eugenia Helen ‘41
  • Lillard, R.S.
  • Lilley, James
  • Lindahl, Roy E.
  • Lineback, Don
  • Lipscomb, William Warren, Jr. - WWII
  • Lockhart, Keith
  • Looper, Charles C.
  • Lord, Dr. Fred Townley, D.D. '57 [faculty]
  • Lott, Bret
  • Lovell, Julia Chiles
  • Lowrey, Theodosia S.
  • Lusby, Lennie
  • Lyon, Thomas J. Jr. - WWI


  • Mabry, Ned B. Class of 1940
  • Maag, Richard
  • Magill, Arthur
  • Maher, Paul and Kristy
  • Mahon, G. Heyward Jr., Major
  • Maiden, Cherie [Faculty 1983- ]
  • Malac, Deborah
  • Manly IV, Dr. Basil
  • Manly, Rev. Charles (1837-1924), president 1881-1897
  • Manly, Charles Matthews (1876-1927)
  • Manly, John Matthews, Class of 1883 (1865-1940)
  • Manning, June
  • Marsh, Blanche
  • Marshall, Ida
  • Martin, C.B.
  • Martin, James R. - WWII
  • Martin, Marion
  • Martin, Matt
  • Martin, Rachel
  • Martin, Rooney
  • Marvin, Churchill A. - WWII
  • Mathews, J. Chesley
  • Matthews, Christie
  • McArthur, Duncan
  • McCahan, Dr. Gerda
  • McCall, Duke '35
  • McCandless, Alastair
  • McCarty, Brett
  • McCaskill, N.C.
  • McClain, Calvin E., Jr. - WWII
  • McCoin, Alice Choice
  • McConnell, Mike
  • McConnell, Robert H. - WWII
  • McDavid, Raven I.
  • McDonald, James
  • McDowell, Edward A.
  • McDowell, Mary Frances (Allen)
  • McGetrick, Sara Ann
  • McGee, Lutie (1887-1971) GFC 1906 
  • McGlothlin, Mary Louise (Breazeale) Bates (1869-1933)
  • McGlothlin, William J. (1867-1933), president 1919-1933
  • McGlothlin, William J., Jr. '27 (1908-1978)
  • McIver, George - WWII
  • McKinney, Ronald William '69 (1948-2016)
  • McKinney, Steve
  • McKittrick, James (Jim)
  • McKnight, Edgar V. (1931-2020) [Faculty 1962-1995]
  • McMillian, Flora Bennett
  • McMillian, Montague
  • McNair, Robert E.
  • McNamara, Robert
  • McQuillen, Charles D.
  • Meachan, Sam Lewis, Jr. WWII
  • Menzer, Melinda [faculty]
  • Mellichamp, Paul K. - WWII
  • Mickel, Buck (1925-1998)
  • Mickel, Minor
  • Miller, Bob – Director of Public Safety
  • Miller, Harold William
  • Mills, Denise Kelly
  • Mitchell, Robert Mazÿck - WWII
  • Mobley, Susan Josephine
  • Mochrie, Dottie
  • Moffett, David
  • Mohlenbrock, Arthur H.
  • Molnar, Sandor
  • Montague, Andrew Phillip (1854-1928)
  • Moore, Gordon B. (1854-1918)
  • Moore, Jonathan
  • Moore, Vince
  • Morgan, David W.
  • Morris, Verna T.
  • Mosteller, Brooke (Class of 2012)– Miss South Carolina 2013
  • Mulholland, John Lt. Gen.
  • Mullens, Nora Emily
  • Mullet, Marian
  • Murfee, Edgar Hunter, GFC president 1900-1901
  • Murphy, Paddy
  • Murphy, "Uncle" Clark
  • Murray, John Scott Dr.
  • Myers, Angel
  • Nagle, Charles
  • Nanney, Thomas Ray (1931-2019), faculty 1960-2001
  • Napier, Rev. Robert (1806-1891) – Family Research
  • Neumann, Brian [Class of 2013]
  • Nicoll, Frances-Student Affairs and Counseling Bibliography
  • Nocks, Elaine Songer​


  • O'Connor, Sandra Day, 2012
  • Odell, Alfred Taylor (1899-1948)
  • Oliphant, Mary C. Simms (1891-1988)
  • O'Neall, John Belton (1793-1863), [Board of Agents, Board of Trustees]
  • O'Neil, Sister Peggy
  • Ottewell, Guy
  • Owens, Loulie Latimer Pettigrew, 1912-1998


  • Padgett, C.G. - Oversize
  • Park, Peggy L.
  • Parker, Gary E.
  • Parks, Karen (1963- )
  • Parler, Mary
  • Parsell, David B.
  • Paschal, Rosa Catherine (1880-1971) [acting GWC president 1930-1931]
  • Pate, Willard Ph.D.
  • Patterson, C. Stuart [Faculty and Admin 1954-1988]
  • Patterson, William J. - WWII
  • Payne, Daniel Wright (1893-1963)
  • Peace, Bony Hampton Jr.
  • Peace, Charlie C.
  • Peace, Etea Tindal
  • Peace, Roger Craft
  • Pearse, Kingley K. - WWII
  • Pearson, Anthony A.
  • Peden, Ralph Hutchings, Sr.
  • Pelham, Columbus G. - WWII
  • Pepper, Dottie
  • Perone, Vince
  • Perry, William
  • Phillips, Louis E.
  • Phillips, W.E.
  • Pielou, William "Bill" Percival
  • Pipkin, John Benton
  • Pitts, James M. '60 (1937-2021) [Chaplain/Faculty 1967-2003]
  • Pitts, John Douglas (1841-1925) [attended 1857, Doctor of Divinity awarded 1900]
  • Pitts, Reuben B., Class of 1902 (1882-1963) [Board of Trustees 1926-1957; Doctor of Laws awarded 1951]
  • Plyler, Beatrice (1911-2011)
  • Plyler, Earle K., Class of 1917 (1897-1976) [Doctor of Laws awarded, 1969]
  • Plyler, James Dennis '58 
  • Plyler, James W. '13 (1891-1985)
  • Plyler, John Laney (1894-1966)
  • Plyler, John Laney Jr. '56
  • Plyler, Keith '64
  • Poerschke, Robert E. '41 
  • Polaski, Donald '86
  • Pool, Frank Kenneth (1890-1943) [faculty 1920-1943]
  • Pope, Helen O"Neal, 1892 GFC Salutatory Address 
  • Poteat, Dr. Edwin McNeill (1861-1937) [President 1903-1918; Doctor of Laws 1931]
  • Poteat, Gordon '10 (1891-1986)[Doctor of Divinity 1934]
  • Poteat, James Douglass
  • Powell, Frank M.
  • Pratt, R.N.
  • Price, Alfred A. Jr.
  • Price, Rev. Marty
  • Price, Milburn
  • Price, Theron D.
  • Prior, Richard E. (1962-2010)
  • Provence, Herbert Winston (1873-1957), GWC president 1931-1933
  • Pulley, David Clarence
  • Putman, Arnold Everett


  • Radford, Albert E. (1918-2006)
  • Rall, D.F.
  • Ramsay, David Marshal (1857-1957), GWC president 1911-1930
  • Ramsay-Richardson, Eudora F., GFC faculty 1910-1914
  • Randford, Albert E. (1918-2006)
  • Rankin, Theron
  • Rasor, Charles Lewis
  • Rawlings, Jason
  • Ray, Dr. Keith
  • Reames, J. Mitchell
  • Redd, William David, Sr. '62
  • Reece, Benny 
  • Reese, Sarah
  • Register, Charlie [See also University Photographer]
  • Reid, Alfred S. [faculty]
  • Reid, Ruth
  • Reid, Samuel D. '22
  • Reynolds, Jean A. '78
  • Rhame, DuPre
  • Rhame, James Lee
  • Richardson, Betty Todd Rollins '49 (1929-2005)
  • Richardson, Florence '51
  • Richardson, James M. (1884-1971) [alum 1906-1909]
  • Richardson, Jeff Jr. (1929-2015) '51
  • Richardson, R.L. "Penny" '39
  • Richardson, Steve ’77 [faculty 1986-2021]
  • Richey, Dorothy (1899-1982) [faculty 1974-1980]
  • Ridgeway, Pansy '53
  • Riddle, Charles Dayton (1901-1964) [faculty 1926-1964]
  • Riggin, George Thomas, Jr. ’51 [faculty 1959-1964]
  • Riley, Harry Lee (c.1872-1958), Class of 1903
  • Riley, Kathryn Noel (1948-1997) [staff]
  • Riley, Madison Monroe (1846-1928) [GFC president 1894-1900]
  • Riley, Richard Wilson ’54 (1933- )
  • Rinker Family
  • Ritchie, Alexander W. [faculty 1974-1980]
  • Rives, May Gaskin (1907-1971) '28 GWC
  • Robert, Joseph C. '27
  • Roberts, Joe A. (1930 -  ) '52 [administration 1971-1985]
  • Roberts, John E. (1927-2012) '51
  • Roberts, Ray C. Jr. (1929-2006) [faculty and administration]
  • Roberts, Rufus Alston (1837-1906), Class of 1857
  • Robinson, John W. - WWII
  • Rodgers, C. Leland ’39 (1918-2001) [faculty 1956-1988]
  • Rogers, Jeffrey S. [faculty and Administration 1988-2002]
  • Rogers, Manuel '29
  • Rollins, Charles Averett '20
  • Rooney, Martin '93
  • Rosamond, William Nathaniel (1836-1897)
  • Rouse, John E. '34 (1906-1981)
  • Rouse, John E. Jr. '64


  • Sadler, Jefferson Davis
  • Saffell, Amy
  • Sampey, Jane R.
  • Sampey, John R., Ph.D.
  • Sanders, Albert Neely
  • Sanders, Daniel S.
  • Sanders, Davis Milton
  • Sanford, Mark
  • Satterfield, Jimmy - coaching staff
  • Scarpa, Paul
  • Schutz, Kelly
  • Schneidermann, Furman M. - WWII
  • Schoonmaker, Bruce
  • Schutz, Kelly
  • Scott, Edward Alderman
  • Self, James C.
  • Selvy, Dunigan
  • Selvy, Frank (2 folders)-also in oversized flat box
  • Shaner, David
  • Sharp, Ann
  • Shaw, Frank and Susan
  • Shaw, Robert
  • Sheard, Gayle
  • Sherard, Wade H. III.
  • Sheridan, Dick
  • Sherrill, Joel B. - WWII
  • Shi, Dr. David E., ’73
  • Shi, Dr. Susan Thomson ‘71
  • Shirley, Riley C. - WWII
  • Short, George
  • Showers, Shenese
  • Shucker, Harry B.
  • Simkins-Stuntz, Jinger
  • Simms, William Gilmore
  • Simpson, Phill
  • Sims, O. Southern
  • Sinclair, Bennie Lee
  • Singleton, Broadus E.
  • Singleton, George
  • Sirleaf, Ellen Johnson
  • Sirrine, J.E., Class of 1890 (1872-1947)
  • Skelton, Ray Malcolm - WWII
  • Sloan, Kathleen Lewis
  • Smith, Annie Mae Ledbetter ‘31
  • Smith, April
  • Smith, Charlotte
  • Smith, Daniel Townsend (1842-1929)
  • Smith, David Anthony Smith, faculty 1960-1991
  • Smith, Doug
  • Smith, Harold Dr.
  • Smith, Jean
  • Smith, Ruby Coleman - Oversize (flat)
  • Smith, T.C.
  • Smith, Thomas P. (1814-1903)
  • Smith, W. Lindsay III (1916-2012)
  • Smolla, Michelle
  • Smolla, Rodney
  • Smolla, Rodney - Resignation
  • Smolla Presidential Inauguration, Box 1
  • Sneary, Eugene
  • Snipes, David Strange
  • Snyder, John A.
  • Souchu, Karim
  • Southern, George Frederick  '29 - WWII
  • Southern, John A. (2 folders)
  • Sparks, James W.
  • Sparks, Julia Irene Thompson
  • Spratt, Zaccheus "Zack" (1884-1978), Class of 1909
  • Spear, David S. (faculty 1983-2020)
  • Stanford, David L. '50 (Maj. Gen.)
  • Steele, Max '43, 1922–2005
  • Steele, Mills '36, 1912-1964
  • Steele, Warren Merrill, faculty 1904-1908
  • Sterling, Mary Peace
  • Stevens, Rise
  • Stewart, A.L. (Flucie) (1906-1956)
  • Stewart, Homer Leroy, Class of 1958
  • Stewart, James T.
  • Stillwell, Robert Earl
  • Stratton, Lewis P.
  • Strobel, Marian Elizabeth
  • Surles, Henry Floyd (1882-1973)
  • Swanson, Charles H.
  • Szilagyi, Ervin


  • Taylor, Frank
  • Taylor, J.H.
  • Taylor, Rosser H. (1891-1986), faculty 1925-1947
  • ​Teska, William R.
  • Tevis, Joni [faculty 2008 -  ]
  • Theodore, Nick '52
  • Thomas, June Manning (FU student 1967-1968)
  • Thomas, Paul
  • Thomas, Virginia (1898-1962)
  • Thompson, Dorothy S.
  • Thompson, Ron
  • Tibbs, Albert Elias (1901-1972)
  • Tickle, Phyllis (1934-2015) '61 (masters), faculty 1960-1962
  • Timmons, Charles E., Jr. - WWI
  • Timmons, William "Bill" - Interview
  • Timms, Leslie "Les" M. , Jr. '61
  • Tindall, George B.
  • Tipton, Vaughn Crowe
  • Todd, Donald
  • Tolbert, Marguerite
  • Tollison, Courtney
  • Townes, Alexander Sloan (GFC president 1878-1894)
  • Townes, Aurelia
  • Townes, Charles & Frances
  • ​Townes, Claudia
  • Townes, Elizabeth (1820-1852)
  • Townes, Ellen Sumter Hard
  • Townes, Henry Keith
  • Townes, Lidie
  • Triplitt, Tom
  • Trone, David J. '77
  • Tucker, Robert (Bob)
  • Turgeon, Victoria
  • Turner, Helen Lee
  • Turner, Sherri
  • Turrentine, Samuel A. - WWII


  • Uldrick, Virginia
  • Vandiver, Edward Pickney
  • Vanfossen, Beth
  • Vaughn, Joseph Allen '68 (1946 -1991)
  • Veazy, William T. - WWII
  • Vick, Bingham L. Jr.
  • Vick, Judith "Judy" Shotwell (1944-2023)
  • Visel, Robin
  • Von Fingerlin, Edgar


  • Wakefield, Roberta P. (1879-1957) GFC Class of 1897
  • Walker, Benny
  • Walker, James Lynn
  • Walker, Katie
  • Walker, Ruth
  • Walker, William J. (1915-1943)- WWII
  • Walter, Lynwood
  • Walters, Ernest J.
  • Walters, Johnnie "Mac" '42
  • Ware, George (see also Student Unrest and Protests)
  • Warlick, Ashley
  • Warren, William Preston
  • Waters, John R.
  • Watkins, Annie Belle & Sara Lee
  • Watkins, Henry Hitt
  • Watson, John Broadus (1878-1958) Class of 1899
  • Watson, Marjorie
  • Watson, Willian Franklin (1862-1953) [faculty 1887-1914]
  • Waugh, Derek
  • Weatherford, John
  • Weaver, Raleigh Wayne
  • Welch, Frankie '45
  • Wells, Whitefield G.
  • West, John C. [athletics staff 1965-1969, 1972-1979)
  • Westmoreland, Mrs. George
  • Westmoreland, Thomas H.
  • Whalen, James W. - WWII
  • Wham, Thomas '49
  • Wheeler, Howard
  • Whisenhunt, Linda
  • White, Chris
  • Whitmire, Mildred Edwards '25
  • Will, Maggie '87
  • Williams, Alec, Director of Personnel
  • Williams, Fred S. (1940-1993) '62
  • Williams, Joe (head coach-basketball)
  • Williams, Louis '48
  • Wingo, Charles Enos '24
  • Winstead, Phillip C. (Institutional Planning & Research)
  • Wise, George S. '28
  • Withers, Walter L. (Biology) Women, Furman
  • Wood, Burrell L., Jr. (Chemistry) 1949-1957
  • Wood, J. Wilbert ’19 (1895-1965), Chairman BOT
  • Wood, Mike '90
  • Wood, Robert '73 and Cindy '76
  • Woodside, James H. Jr. '24
  • Worthen, Wade (Biology)
  • Wrigley, Eva (1875-1961), Librarian 1922-1945
  • Wright, James A., Jr. "Jim" '66
  • Wyatt, Elford Smith (master mason)
  • Wyche, Sam '66
  • Wylie, Dr. Clarence Raymond, Jr. (Mathematics)


  • Yarborough, James Henry (Class of 1879)
  • Younts, Melvin '50
  • Zeiger, Dennis '74 (Furman logo)


Oversize Box 1:
  • Alley, J. Lyles, Jr. “Bud”, The Ghosts of the Green Grass”
  • Foreman, Karen
  • Frady, Marshall

Oversize Box 2:

  • Howes, William Browning
  • James, Joseph Herbert Jr.
  • Johns, John E.
  • King, Robert Burrough
  • Lockhart, Keith
  • McConnell, John Michael
  • Prior, Richard E. 1962-2010
  • Reese, Sarah
  • Riley, Kathleen A.
  • Selvy, Frank
  • Wise, George

Oversize Box 3: Judson, Charles H. [Scrapbook]

Oversize Box 4: Smolla Presidential Inauguration