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Rev. C. C. Brown Papers, 1870s-1921

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Contents List

Box 1: Correspondence, 1878-1921

Folder 1. Letters 1878

Folder 2. Letters 1883-1886

Folder 3. Letters 1890-1895

Folder 4. Letters Jan. 1896-June 1896

Folder 5. Letters July 1896

Folder 6. Letters Aug. 1896-Sept. 1896

Folder 7. Letters Oct. 1896-Dec. 1896

Folder 8. Letters Jan. 5, 1897-April 12, 1897

Folder 9. Letters April 13, 1897-April 27, 1897

Folder 10. Letters May 1897-June 30 1897

Folder 11. Letters July-Aug. 1897

Folder 12. Letters Sept. 1897

Folder 13. Letters Oct.-Dec. 1897

Folder 14. Letters Jan.-July 1898

Folder 15. Letters Sept.-Oct. 17 1898

Folder 16. Letters Oct. 20-30 1898

Folder 17. Letters Nov.-Dec. 1898

Folder 18. Letters Feb.-April 1899

Folder 19. Letters May-June 1899

Folder 20. Letters July-Dec. 1899

Folder 21. Letters Feb.-Nov. 1900

Folder 22. Letters Feb. 18 1904-Dec.31 1914

Folder 23. Letters Mar. 13 1915-Feb.7 1921

Folder 24. Letters Undated

Folder 25. Typescript of Letters from copybook 1899-1902

Folder 26. Letter book 1899-1902

Journals, 1887-1909 inclusive and undated

Folder 1. Daily Journal 1 Vol. Dec. 1908-1909

Folder 2. Travel Journals Canadian Trip 1 Vol. ca. 1880s

Folder 3. Travel Journals New Orleans Trip 1 Vol. 1894 [Brown attended the Southern Baptist Convention in Dallas Texas in 1894. The notes refer to his return trip.]

Folder 4. Travel Journals First European Trip 2 Vols. June Aug. 1905

Folder 5. Travel Journals Second European Trip 1 Vol. May-Sept. 1909

Folder 6. Travel Journals Florida Trip 1 Vol. Undated 

Lecture and Study Notes, bulk 1872-1874

Folder 1. Lectures and Study Notes So. Baptist Theological Seminary Loose Notes undated

Folder 2. Lecture on Ordination (#9) by Dr. Williams undated

Folder 3. The Inspiration of the Scripture (#3)

Folder 4. Abstract of lectures on church government

Folder 5. Studies in the Pentateuch by E. Harold Browne Bishop of Ely England

Folder 6. Other Notes Paul’s First Missionary Journey 1877

Box 2: Commonplace Books, Scrapbook, Death of C.C. Brown

Folder 1. Commonplace Books 3 Vols. undated [4 vols of poetry, recipes, biographical sketches, etc.]

Folder 2. Addresses Hymns 1904 and undated

Folder 3. Addresses Pastor’s Work, undated

Folder 4. Scrapbook undated (2 pages) [Includes clippings concerning the death of family members.]

Folder 5. Death of C.C. Brown, 1921 [Includes "Resolutions of Respect" and several telegrams relating condolences to Mrs. W. W. Sibert Brown's daughter.]

Topical Files, ca. 1880s-1890s

Folder 1. Historical Sketch, First Baptist Church Sumter SC

Folder 2. S.C. Baptist Board for the Relief of Aged and Indigent Ministers Financial Papers (1920-1925) Receipts for disbursements (Jan. 1920) Reports (1922 1925)

Folder 3. S.C. Baptist Board for the Relief of Aged and Indigent Ministers Pamphlets and Tracts (ca. 1890s-1910s)

Folder 4. S.C. Baptist Board for the Relief of Aged and Indigent Ministers Miscellaneous Papers (1900s-1920s)

Folder 5. Negro Preacher Fund Misc. Papers ca. 1880s-1890s

Folder 6. Poetry Misc. items

Folder 7. Poetry Misc. items


Folder 1. Addresses, Death

Folder 2. Addresses, Education, undated

Folder 3. Addresses, Temperance

Folder 4. Addresses, Reminiscences, 1898 and undated

Folder 5. Addresses, Miscellaneous Addresses, undated

Folder 6. Addresses, Miscellaneous Addresses, undated

Folder 7. Addresses Arranged by Topic, 1875-1904

  • Address delivered before the Sumter Bible Society, October ,3 1875
  • Introduction of John C. Wilson at the Sumter Eclectic Female College Commencement, 1887
  • Address delivered at the Graded School Exhibition— First graduating class, June 4, 1891
  • Alumni meeting in Greenville S.C., 1893
  • Address to Methodist Conference, 1893
  • Presentation of pens to girls (Greenville 1893); Unveiling Monument to T. B. Jenkins, undated

Folder 8. Addresses Arranged by Topic, undated

  • Brown’s firsthand account of reaction of hearing of Robert E. Lee's death while a student at Washington and Lee University, undated
  • Address to Templars Lodge Sumter S.C., undated  
  • Y.M.C.A. Welcome (Sumter 1893 or 1894)
  • Death of Charles H. Spurgeon, 1892

Folder 9. Funeral Sermons and Memorial Addresses (1875-1897)

  • Barnwell child, August 1875 [Written soon after hearing of the death of Bro. Barnwell's child.]
  • John A. Broadus, Mar. 17 1895 [Covington?] Rev. B. G. (Oct. 1893) W. T. Cook ([1887?])
  • Mrs. Leonora Dunkins, Sept. 1 1875; Annie Ellis, Dec. 6 1893; Nannie Ellis, Feb. 17, 1894; Louisa Gordon, Apr. 16, 1885
  • "an old Negro woman" Isadore Hoyt, May 6 1890  "in the Methodist Church" Mrs. J. S. Hughson
  • "Prepared for use at the funeral of Mrs. J. S. Hughson but laid aside because I learned the family ... [disliked?] anything like a eulogy of the dead."
  • Mrs. J. S. Hughson; W. C Hughson
  • Rev. Jenkins Joe (1897) Mason Arthur (1896) Bro. [Mebough?] (June 19. 1895) Mellet Col. (Nov. 1893) Pringle William Judson Scaffe Sarah (188?)

Box 3 Sermons early 1870s-1920s

Folder 1. Sermon Materials Topical Notes for Sermons, undated Experiences as a clergyman Hymns Making of a man Marriage and courtship State missions Sunday School literature question Sermon by "Lindsay" (Heb. 10:25)

Folder 2. Altar Calls

Folder 3. Prayer Meeting Talks 1 Vol. 1885

Folder 4. Sermons Old Testament

Folder 5. Sermons Old Testament

Folder 6. Sermons Old Testament

Folder 7. Sermons Old Testament

Folder 8. Sermons New Testament

Folder 9. Sermons New Testament

Folder 10. Sermons New Testament

Folder 11. Sermons New Testament

Folder 12. Sermons Incomplete Sermons

Folder 13. Sermons on Cards

Folder 14. Sermons Notebooks ca. early 1870s

Folder 15. Sermons Notebooks ca. early 1870s

Folder 16. Sermons Notebooks 1873

Folder 17. Sermons Notebooks 1874

Folder 18. Sermons Notebooks 1875

Folder 19. Sermons Notebooks 1875

Box 4 Sermons

Folder 1. Sermons Loose-leaf notebooks 1904

Folder 2. Sermons Loose-leaf notebooks 1913

Folder 3. Sermons Loose-leaf notebooks 1913

Folder 4. Sermons Loose-leaf notebooks 1916-1917

Folder 5. Sermons Loose-leaf notebooks undated

Folder 6. Newspaper Clippings 1887-1896

Folder 7. Newspaper Clippings 1897-1903

Folder 8. Newspaper Clipping 1905

Folder 9. Newspaper Clippings 1907-1916

Folder 10. Newspaper Clippings 1919

Folder 11. Newspaper Clippings Aug. 1919-Feb. 1920

Folder 12. Newspaper Clippings March 1920-June 1921

Folder 13. Newspaper Clippings Aug. 1921-Nov. 1921

Folder 14. Newspaper Clippings undated

Folder 15. Newspaper Clippings undated

Folder 16. Scrapbooks 1871 contains The Working Christian (1 vol. : 1871)*

Folder 17. Published Works Scrapbooks 1877-1879 contains The Baptist Courier (1 vol. : 1877-1879)

Folder 18. Scrapbooks 1881 contains The Watchman or The Sumter Watchman (1 vol.: 1881) [Brown with N. G. Osteen bought The Watchman in 1881. On August 2, 1881 The Watchman merged with The Southern to form The Watchman and Southern.]

Folder 19. Scrapbooks mid to late 1880s contains The Baptist Courier (1 vol. : mid to late 1880s) [Includes one article from The Watchman and Southern.]

Folder 20. Published Tracts and Pamphlets

Folder 21. Published Tracts and Pamphlets

Folder 22. “Should Women Speak in Mixed Religious Assemblies”

Box 5 Sermons books 1902-1914

Individual books numbered 110-202 containing handwritten sermons

Box 6 Sermon books 1881-1902

Individual books numbered 20-109 containing handwritten sermons

Box 7

  • Commonplace book 1876
  • Lectures on Homiletics 1873-1874 (1 vol.: 1873-1874) by John A. Broadus (SBTS)
  • Old Testament Notes 1872-1873(1 vol.: 1872-1873) Lectures by C. H. Toy (SBTS)
  • Lectures by Dr. Williamson (1972-1974) on 1. Church Government and Pastoral Duties 2. Systematic Theology 3. Notes from Hinton’s History of Baptism 4. Brief Notes by Dr. John A. Broadus on our Lord’s Farewell Address and Prayer
  • C.C. Brown’s letters, March 1899-Nov. 1903 (Carbon Copies)
  • Book of Sermons 13 May 1875-3 Dec. 1875
  • Book of Sermons Dec. 7,1875-March 22,1876
  • Greek Notes and Translations
  • Index of Sermons possibly 112-205 and loose-leaf notebooks
  • Book of Sermons 28 June 1876-15 Sept. 1876
  • Book of Sermons 8 March 1877-15 June 1877
  • Book of Sermons 21 June 1877-3 Oct. 1877
  • Book of Sermons 7 Nov. 1877-23 Jan. 1878 15 June 1878
  • Book of Sermons 23 Jan. 1878-28 May 1878
  • Book of Sermons 4 June 1878-30 Dec. 1879

Box 8

1 Scrapbook of Newspaper Clippings

Box 9

3 Scrapbooks of Newspaper Clippings

Published Works. Tracts and pamphlets.

  • The Denominational College. A Page Out of My Own Life. The Education of the Negro Preacher. A Plea Presented to the Baptists of South Carolina (1887). Elijah's Last Visit to the Schools of the Prophets. "He Shet the Do' in My Face!" A Poem (1898).
  • "Dedicated to the Reverend Father Geo. W. Gardner D.D. The Genial Editor of the So. Ca. Baptist." Hendie.
  • In Memory of Rev. Samuel M. Richardson (1893). The Love of God. The Burial of Gen. Robert E. Lee (1874).
  • May Be You Have Not Thought of It!
  • My Brethren (1904)
  • An Old Preacher's Soliloquy (1909) Partner or Pauper — An Impossible Story.
  • The Proper Attitude of Southern Baptists Toward the American Baptist Publication Society (1904)
  • Should Women Speak in Mixed Religious Assemblies? (second printing 1901)
  • Sorrow's Crown of Sorrow. South Carolina Baptist Ministers' Mutual Benefit Association (1890) Sumter Baptist Church.
  • Decennary Celebration of the Pastorate of Rev. C. C. Brown (1885).
  • Themes and Texts of South Carolina Baptist Preachers (1882).
  • A Vision in the Night Watches.
  • Where to Send Your Boy to College.
  • A Page Out of My Own Life.
  • Working for the Rabbit Foot Instead of Preaching.