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Kellogg Grant Project Collection, 1976-1978

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Scope and Contents

A grant was garnered from the W.K. Kellogg foundation in 1975 by Furman University for the project “Faculty Development in Academic Planning: An Approach to Institutional Renewal”. The overarching goal in this project was to examine a management planning model used and developed in Furman’s Administrative departments in the early 1970s and instill it into Furman’s Academic departments with the intention that it would maintain institutional vitality and support the professional growth of Faculty. This collection created and donated by Duncan McArthur centers on the English department’s efforts to review and improve English 11 and 12 courses with Kellogg Grants.

The first folder of the collection concerns the original Kellogg Grant project, and contains the Report on the English 11 courses compiled by William E. Rogers. This particular review and report examined whether the English Faculty considered English 11 a service course that taught the basics of writing for the University as a whole, or viewed it strictly as a General Education course in the English Department. The report contained five parts: I. What We Are Doing; II. What the Other Departments Say; III. What Other Colleges are Doing; IV. What the Consultants Said; V. Recommendations. The file also contains Kellogg Grant newsletters, and the university wide final report of  the W.K. Kellogg Foundation Faculty Development in Academic Planning: An Approach to Institutional Self Renewal by G. Melvin Hipps and Philip C. Winstead, September 1, 1978.

The second folder contains material on the Kellogg funded study of English 12 courses. The study on English 12 courses was undertaken based on faculty concern that revision or replacement of the course might be needed. The report was undertaken by Duncan McArthur, who reviewed topical literature, visited five alternative higher education institutions, brought in a consultant, and went over the success of the course with English faculty, as well as faculty in other departments to garner recommendations for the improvement of the courses.