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UA 07/002 Academic Policies Committee, Duncan McArthur files

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Scope and Contents

Some of the initial responsibilities of this committee (originally under the name of the Academic Program Committee) included determining requirements for the following aspects of Furman’s Academic Program: Academic Calendar; Graduation; General Education; Interdisciplinary Courses; Major Field; R.O.T.C.; and Elective Study.

In the fall of 1975, the Academic Program Committee was replaced by two committees: the Academic Policies Committee and the Curriculum Committee. One member was to be appointed to serve on both committees, to facilitate coordination of work. In 1975-76 Duncan McArthur was appointed to both committees and to the role of secretary of the Curriculum Committee. Edgar McKnight, who had previously served as chairman of the Academic Program Committee, became the chairman of the Curriculum Committee.

As the Academic Policies Committee, the current responsibilities of the committee are to work with academic administration to establish curriculum policies and make recommendations for the adjustment of policies for undergraduate academic programs such as the regular session, summer session, and special programs. As before, the committee works to alter policies on academic matters including the academic calendar, graduation requirements, and general education requirements. Other responsibilities include course-weight proposals, probation, credit transfer, grading, and dual-degree programs, amongst others. The committee then presents recommendations to the faculty. 


Chronologically and topically.