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DEI Audit Toolkit for Digital Collections and Finding Aids

The People

In the hopes of achieving our goal and objectives of this project, it is crucial to keep this process open and transparent, and to engage in radical collaborations (McGovern) among our stakeholders, comprised of primary participants, secondary participants, and partners. During this audit, the project team (primary participants) will reach out individuals or groups described in this section.

Members of Special Collections and Archives will help create workflows for staff to: contribute with citations, flag materials documenting under-described populations, suggest revisions to descriptions, and establish parameters for collecting, describing, and exhibiting digital collections. Members of the Digital Collections Center, and Cataloging will help in the coordination of this audit to implement changes in policies and procedures for describing and providing access to diverse, equitable, and inclusive digital collections. Primary team members received training on how to conduct a manual audit.

  • Nashieli Marcano, Archivist for Digital Collections
  • Jeff Makala, University Archivist, Associate Director of Special Collections & Archives
  • Julia Cowart, Special Collections Assistant
  • Christy Allen, Associate Director for Digital and Resource Management
  • Rick Jones, Digital Collections Center Manager
  • Kathie Sloan, Digital Projects Specialist
  • Scott Salzman, Web Discovery Librarian
  • Alyssa Nance, Cataloging and Metadata Librarian

FUL Community Help promote our DEI audit efforts Help align our DEI efforts with FUL’s DEI values and beliefs Identify ways to incorporate DEI audit findings to curricular and non-curricular activities and events

Students, Faculty, and Staff

  • Serve as subject specialists
  • Share knowledge and provide advice (concepts, theories, preferred terminology, derogative terminology, current topics as they relate to DEI)
  • Identify or report barriers to access
  • Make suggestions for addressing specific gaps in our digital collections
  • Identify ways they would like to incorporate archival material into their curricula that focus on empowering underrepresented groups
  • Engage them in research activities and/or discussions about archival descriptions