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DEI Audit Toolkit for Digital Collections and Finding Aids

Activating Participation


Raters for the pilot will perform the dual role of (1) assessing volumes from the Yearbooks Collections and (2) validating the survey. Part of the pilot run is to determine an acceptable indicator to measure. To make that determination, we introduced the rubric in seven classrooms.

Overall Participation

Of the 90 responses submitted Furman students, faculty, and staff participated in audit sessions, 14 were considered incomplete and excluded from the analysis (N=76). A survey response is considered incomplete if either: 70% or less of the survey was filled out or if rater reviewed 20% or less of the assigned yearbook pages.

Faculty and Students

Project leader contacted faculty members via email to describe the aim of the pilot and to invite them and their students to participate as auditors. Five faculty members accepted the invitation. Survey was implemented between March and May, 2022 in the following seven classrooms.

COM-301: Rhetorical Criticism (Group 1)

COM-301: Rhetorical Criticism (Group 2)

ART-252: Women and the Arts (Qualtrics original version)

COM-201: Media and Society

COM-351: Advocacy

WGS-230 Issues in Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies

WGS-252: Sexual Revolutions in Modern America

Library Faculty and Staff

A call was also made to Library staff (including student workers) to participate in an audit session between May and June, 2022.

Number of Potential Participants: 12

Student Researchers

Number of Respondents: 2

For a detail description of audit activities for each group, check out the section below on Classroom Audit Session Parameters.


This series of class audit sessions would inform us about how to best implement the DEI Audit Survey. After our first auditing session with Rhetorical Criticism (Group 1), we reassessed the lesson plan, the scope parameters, and the time alloted to complete the survey. As we progressed through the different class audit sessions, we streamlined the process while gathering useful feedback from our students and faculty. Below, you will see how these parameters evolved into a final version.

Rhetorical Criticism (Group 1)
  • n=10
  • 50-minute class
  • Parameters:
    • 20 minutes to glance through pages
    • 20 minutes to answer survey
    • One volume year (Bonhomie 1963)
    • pages 6-7, 16-17, 26-27, 36-37, 46-47, 56-57, and so on
    • Indicate pages covered
    • Skip small portraits
    • Go with area of exploration of their choice
Rhetorical Criticism (Group 2)
  • n=15
  • 50-minute class
  • Parameters:
    • 15-20 to glance through pages
    • 20 minutes to answer survey
    • One volume year (Bonhomie 1956)
    • Glance through 10-12, 20-22, 30-32, 40-42, 50-52, 60-62, and so on
    • Indicate pages covered
    • Skip small portraits
    • Area of Exploration: Open
Women and the Arts
  • n=11
  • 75-minute class (Zoom)
  • Qualtrics version 1
  • Parameters:
  • 40 minutes for both reading and answering survey
  • Two volume years to choose from (Bonhomie 1963 & 1969)
  • 1-3, 11-13, 21-23, 31-33, 41-43, 51-53, and so on
  • Indicate pages covered
  • Skip small portraits
  • Area of Exploration: Gender and Sexuality
Media and Society
  • n=16
  • 75-minute class
  • Parameters:
  • 40 minutes for both reading and answering survey
  • Four volume years to choose from (Entre Nous 1932; Bonhomie 1932, 1942, & 1947)
  • Glance through entire volume
  • Area of Exploration: Open
  • n=9
  • 75-minute class
  • Parameters:
  • 40 minutes for both reading and answering survey
  • Four volume years to choose from (Bonhomie 1982, 1987, 1991, & 1995)
  • Glance through entire volume
  • Area of Exploration: Open
Issues in WGSS
  • n=10
  • 50-minute session (75-minute class)
  • Parameters:
  • 30 minutes for both reading corpus and answering survey
  • Three volume years to choose from (Entre Nous 1927; Bonhomie 1952 & 2018)
  • Glance through entire volume
  • Area of Exploration: Gender and Sexuality
Library Staff

Number of Potential Participants: 12

Student Researchers

Number of Respondents: 2