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Citing Your Sources: Plagiarism

What is plagiarism?

Plagiarism is presenting someone else's ideas, words, expression, images - any work created by another - as your own. It is an issue of academic dishonesty with serious repercussions. You can learn more about plagiarism and its consequences at Furman from the Academic Integrity Website.

One way to avoid plagiarism is to learn more about proper use of sources. The tutorials on this page can help you develop a deeper understanding of academic writing conventions, paraphrasing, and citing. There are even quizzes you can complete online to test your knowledge.

Another important path to avoid plagiarism is proper citation of sources. This guide includes resources from the library and beyond that can help you format citations in a variety of formats. If you would prefer in-person assistance, visit the Research Assistance Desk or the Writing & Media Lab, both in the James B. Duke Library.

Furman's Integrity Pledge

It is the desire of Furman University to unite its members in a collective commitment to integrity. In so doing, Furman University strives to teach its members to live lives of humility, respect, and responsibility. Therefore, it is the expectation that all members of the Furman University community will conduct themselves with integrity in all endeavors. In honoring these values and ideals as Furman University's foundation, it is with utmost faithfulness and dignity that I will subscribe to them.

Plagiarism Tutorials

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