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The Duke Endowment Libraries Cohort: Meetings


TDEL Cohort at The Duke Endowment Headquarters

Charlotte, January 26th, 2023

The Duke Endowment Libraries cohort celebrated a get-together event at The Duke Endowment Headquarters to discuss past, current, and future projects. The cohort was welcomed by Paula W. Greene (Events Manager), Charity L. Perkins (Director of Communications), and Kristi K. Walters (Director of Higher Education).

TDEL 2022 2023



TDEL Cohort at The Duke Endowment Headquarters

Charlotte, January 26th, 2023

The Duke Endowment Libraries cohort successfully gathered for the first time in person and facilitated a roundtable discussion at the Liberal Arts Collaborative for Digital Innovation annual conference based on our first year’s project work. The roundtable topic, "Fostering Intergenerational Justice: Approaches to Archival Research on Institutional Racial History", discussed comparative approaches to conducting archival research on institutional racial histories and to community-building. Given the growing commitment of colleges and universities to acknowledge and critically examine institutional legacies of enslavement and systemic racism, archival researchers have begun the important process of understanding how these legacies impact universities and shape our efforts to advance intergenerational justice.

Furman provided a background of its activities over the past few years and introduced the audience to the digital collections DEI audit manual process. Johnson C. Smith University is studying and digitally reconstructing former Black Charlotte neighborhoods long vanished by urban renewal in the 1960s and 70s; Duke has commissioned a research group to investigate and document networks of 19th century founders of the teaching college and their ties to slavery; and Davidson has rebuilt its oral histories site using Omeka to provide more inclusive access to connections in the Black community in the town of Davidson to the college.

TDEL 2022 2023


  • Davidson College

    Davidson College

  • Furman University

    Furman University

  • Johnson C. Smith

    Johnson C. Smith

  • Duke University

    Duke University