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EDRD 747: Children's Literature Survey: Duke eBooks

More info on Duke eBooks

  When you first click on an eBook from Duke, either by clicking on the cover or the "Read Now" button, you are taken into a pretty simple viewer. If you print from this viewer, you only can go page by page. But the buttons on the left allow for more.

The a in a circle with an arrow is an extract button (not pictured, and not available for every book). It converts the PDF from the current page to text that can be copied. It comes with a warning that it should be checked for accuracy, but is an easy way to copy and paste a quote. This is page by page.

The menu looking button shows the chapters of the book but these are not necessarily links to those chapters. Use the "jump to ___" box on the upper right corner with the page indicated.

The downward arrow is a download button. When you click on it, the top says "resources" but what those are are PDFs of the book chapters. Score! Each chapter comes with the introductory material (intro, book cover, acknowledgements) and concluding material (notes, resources, index) with the chapter in the middle.

These books can be accessed by searching the library catalog and limiting to Duke as publisher, but you can also do a search on their site.