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PSY 311: Behavior Disorders: Home

PSY 311: Behavior Disorders

Artwork of early 20th-century illustrator, Louis Wain, drawn at the beginning of his mental illness.

image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Welcome to the research guide for PSY 311: Behavior Disorders.  This guide identifies potential resources for your biography and role-play/case analysis assignment.

When you need to talk to a librarian about your research, you have several options:  visit the Research Assistance Desk in the library, call the Research Assistance Desk at x2195, chat with a librarian through the box at the right, or submit your question via email.

Important dates for this assignment:

Thursday, October 6th      select disorder and submit 3 sources
Thursday, November 10th written biographies due
Tuesday, December 6th in class role-plays and assessments

Instruction & Research Librarian

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Allison Diaz
Duke Library 132