Many times you may already have a citation for the information you need, but the tricky part is getting the full-text of that information. Finding the full-text is made even trickier due to the multitude of different citation styles (APA, MLA, Chicago, ACS, etc.). Do not worry; the libraries are here to help! From books to journal articles to dissertations and more, we can help you get what you need.
Not sure what information would best help you when trying to track down a full-text? Here are some general tricks that work across various citation styles to help you determine the source format. If you're still not sure, ask a librarian or the Interlibrary Loan Department for help.
The following images are two breakdowns of a book and journal article example in APA 6th edition citation format.
An APA 6th edition book example:
An APA 6th edition journal article example: