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Woodwind Resources: Find Books

Oboe, Clarinet, Flute, and Bassoon.

Woodwind-Specific Call Number Ranges

For when you'd rather browse. * indicates a location in music reference.

Bibliography - Bassoon ML128.B26*
Bibliography - Clarinet ML128.C58*
Bibliography - Flute ML128.F7*
Bibliography - Oboe ML128.O2*
Bibliography - Saxophone ML128.S247*
History and Criticism - Bassoon ML950+
History and Criticism - Clarinet ML945+
History and Criticism - Flute ML935+
History and Criticism - Oboe ML940+
History and Criticism - Saxophone ML975
Instrumental Techniques - General Woodwinds MT339.5
Instrumental Techniques - Bassoon MT400
Instrumental Techniques - Clarinet MT380
Instrumental Techniques - Flute MT340
Instrumental Techniques - Oboe MT360
Instrumental Techniques - Saxophone MT500+

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