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FYW: Language, Argument, and Culture

Stasis Questions

Stasis questions (plural stases) are questions that you can use to frame an argument. There are six main types of stasis questions:

  • [Questions of] Fact/Defintion
    • Did something happen?
    • What are the facts?
    • Is there a problem/issue?
    • How did it begin and what are its causes?
    • What changed to create the problem/issue?
    • What is it?
    • What meaning does it have?
  • Causal
    • How are events/people related to one another?
    • Did ABC create or contribute to XYZ?
  • Quality (Evaluative/Evaluation/Value)
    • Is it a good thing or a bad thing? Define "good" or "bad."
    • How serious is the problem/issue?
    • Whom might it affect (stakeholders)?
    • What are the costs of solving the problem/issue?
  • Policy/Action (Future Forward)
    • Should action be taken?
    • Who should be involved in helping to solve the problem/address the issue?
    • What should be done about this problem?
    • What needs to happen to solve this problem/address this issue?
    Bonus: Jurisdictional
    • Who has the final word?
    • Who mitigates, agrees, vetoes problems over the argument?

Not all rhetorical contexts or arguments require use of all of these stasis questions, but as you can see, stasis questions make use of the "Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How" model to frame the argument around the rhetorical context.

Why Stasis Questions Help

Stasis questions set a baseline for your argument.

By reaching agreement (stasis) through asking these questions, you can establish where you may agree or disagree with someone on a given topic. Understanding the other side (or sides, plural) of an argument will help you better research and argue your own point of view effectively in the rhetorical situation for your writing.

Stasis questions cannot be answered yes/no.

The questions can be open-ended or vague in nature at times. That's okay. Stasis questions are openings for you to ask more questions. Causal questions allow you to explore inter or intra-related topics. Factual questions help establish if there's an argument that needs to be made (did it or did it not happen and what are the details?) Definition questions allow you to develop your ideas and seek out ways of knowing from other people. Policy questions can be used as a means to explore what has been done and if its worked and these questions keep your writing forward looking: how does action need to be change in the future?

Stasis questions help us explore relationships, technicalities, and context.

We sometimes forget that everything exists in a context. Asking stasis questions gives us permission to first identify the context and then ask how we ended up at the argument as it currently stands. This may mean you have to look at different disciplines, different points of view, read different types of literature (primary, secondary, tertiary), or examine historical sources. The more connections you can make between your argument--and the more questions you can answer about your argument--only help you argue better.


Search Techniques Tutorial

When you search, do you get too few hits? Too many? Are the results not relevant to your topic? Save yourself time and effort with the Search Techniques Tutorial. Learn about:

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 Boolean Operators  Truncation  Phrase Searching  Nesting  Field Searching  Wildcards


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