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FYW: Language, Argument, and Culture

Greenville Specific Publications

Popular Sources

Definition: Sources that are widely available or distributed; these sources may be created by anyone. Popular sources can have multiple purposes and can be created to persuade, entertain, or inform.

Some examples of popular sources:

  • News

    • Newspapers

    • Live News (broadcast or radio)

    • News on Social Media Platforms

  • Magazines

  • Websites

    • Greenville Public Art:


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National Newspapers and News Websites

  • National Public Radio (NPR) - NPR is an independent, nonprofit media organization that was founded on a mission to create a more informed public. 
  • Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) - Organization that produces and distributes news and educational content to the USA. Top journalists deliver compelling original analysis of the hour's headlines.
  • The Conversation - From their "About Us": "On this website (and through distribution of our articles to thousands of news outlets worldwide), you’ll find explanatory journalism on the events, discoveries and issues that matter today.

The Information Cycle