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FYW: Language, Argument, and Culture

Examples of Visual Metadata

  • Genre or Format
    • Photo
    • Film
    • Letter
    • Map
    • Book
  • Names
    • People
    • Places
    • Things
  • Titles
    • People
    • Places
    • Things
  • Locations
    • Addresses
    • City Names
    • Country Names
  • Dates
    • Publishing date
    • Date of Entry 
  • Images
    • People
    • Places
    • Things

Questions to Brainstorm Metadata

Think rhetorically!

  • What is happening?
  • What is its purpose?
  • Are there recognizable people, places, and/or things?
  • Is there text: signature, title, subtitle, caption, a whole genre of writing?
  • Is there a theme?
  • How would I describe what I'm looking/examining/touching to others?