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Furman Scholarship Reception: 2022 Reception


On February 11, 2022, the Libraries and the Office of the Provost hosted Furman’s fifth Faculty Scholarship Reception. The reception showcased accomplishments from the calendar years 2020 and 2021, highlighting Furman faculty members who have completed a degree, received a grant from an external funding source totaling more than $1,000, ​and/or published books, book chapters, journal articles, exhibits, recordings, performances, films, or other works.The following faculty provided four-minute presentations on their scholarly or creative works:

  • Adi D. Dubash, Assistant Professor of Biology
  • Gerry Wuben, Adjunct Processor of Art
  • Alyson Farzad-Phillips, Assistant Professor of Communication Studies
  • Veronica L. Flores, Assistant Professor of Psychology
  • Alexander Francis-Ratte, Assistant Professor of Asian Studies


A stack of programs reading


Books and placards on a table


Caroline Mills standing at podium with microphone

Caroline Mills

Adi Dubash pointing to a photograph of a cell while talking into a microphone

Adi D. Dubash

Alyson Farzad-Phillips speaks into a microphone at a podium

Alyson Farzad-Phillips

Veronica Flores speaks into a microphone at a podium

Veronica Flores

Alexander Francis-Ratte speaks into a microphone while standing at a podium

Alexander Francis-Ratte

Gerry Wubben speaks into a microphone

Gerry Wubben

Provost Ken Peterson talking into a microphone at a podium

Provost Peterson

Woman stands in front of display that reads

Grant Awards

Female faculty gather around scholarship on table

Browsing Scholarship

Crowd of people talking under a tent

Reception Attendees


View the 2022 Faculty Scholarship Reception Program.