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HST 224: Civil War Era: Evaluating

African bottle cap

African bottle cap

cc licensed flickr photo shared by frankdouwes

Evaluating Websites

Evaluating Website Checklist:

  • Who is responsible for the site?
  • What are their qualifications?
  • With whom are they affiliated?
  • Is the site free of spelling and grammatical errors?
  • Is documentation provided (a bibliography or reference list)?
  • Can the information be verified using another source?
  • Is the purpose to inform or persuade?
  • Is a bias evident?
  • Does the site's sponsor have a vested interest in your thinking a certain way?
  • What percentage of the page's links point inward?outward?
  • Does the page contain ads? What are they for?
  • Is the page dated?
  • What does the date mean - last updated or first published?
  • Is there mention of how often the site is updated?
  • Does the site's content warrant frequent updates?
  • Are any of the links out-dated (dead)?
  • more info...