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Articles: ScienceDirect

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Want to search ScienceDirect? Use the link below. To request the full-text of an article from ScienceDirect, look for the purple FUll Text? button or use the citation finder on the right.

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Some journals and books are only accessible through ScienceDirect. While we have access to these materials, it's on an individual basis.

If you are a student and you need the full-text to a journal article or book chapter in ScienceDirect, you can now make a direct request in "Get it Now." Just add the citation information to the Known Article Search and select the "Get the full-text from Get it Now" link. Enter your Furman email address ( and a color PDF of the article will sent to you directly, usually within a few hours. This includes nights and weekends!

If you're a faculty member, you can use the Known Article Search as well. If you would like to get a Furman account to ScienceDirect to download your own articles directly on a pay-per-view basis offered to you by the Furman Libraries, you must contact Paige Dhyne and request that she set up an account on your behalf.