Because music scores and recordings are often published in sets or in foreign languages, careful searching technique is even more important to make sure you are finding everything that is available to you.
Beethoven Bach Chopin
Schubert AND song
Beethoven AND symphony
Mass OR misse
Bach NOT Johann
Symphon* - will find symphony, symphonies, symphonien
Bach AND cantat* - will find cantata, cantate, cantatas, cantaten
Rachmanino* - will find items listed as Rachmaninov and Rachmaninoff
Schubert AND (song* OR lied*) – will find song, songs, lied, lieder
Mozart AND sonat* AND (piano or klavier)
Bach AND “BWV 61” Beethoven and “Op. 37”
Mozart AND “K. 427” Brahms and “Op. 115”
Verdi and Aida Menotti and “The Medium”
“Ave Maria” “Le quattro stagioni”