The online version of Oxford Music Online contains the New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, which is a great place to start your music research!
The same resource also includes the the Oxford Dictionary of Music, New Grove Opera, New Grove Jazz, and the Oxford Companion to Music.
Search for broad categories: composer name, genre, city, etc.
Encyclopedias & General Dictionaries
New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians
Ref ML 100 .N48
Oxford Companion to Music
Ref ML100 .S37 2002
Dictionaries of terms and subjects
Harvard Dictionary of Music
Ref ML100 .A64 2003
Oxford Dictionary of Music
Ref ML100 .K35 2006
Biographical dictionaries
Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians
Ref ML105 .B16 2001
Dictionaries of special topics (examples)
Musical Instruments: A Comprehensive Dictionary
Ref ML 102 .O6 N5 1992
New Grove Dictionary of Jazz
Ref ML102.J3 N48 2002
New Grove Dictionary of Opera
Ref ML 102 .O6 N5 1992
Bibliography by topic (instrument, music genre, etc)
· Found in Ref ML128
Bio-Bibliographies, Research Guides, Thematic Catalogs
· Found in Ref ML134 (browse by composer last name)