The Furman University Libraries have over 1 million physical and electronic books in our collection. Still can’t find what you’re looking for? We’re a member of the Partnership Among South Carolina Academic Libraries (PASCAL) which means you can search for and request books from any academic library in the state. If you’re still unable to locate the book you want, we can also request it through interlibrary loan! Click the tabs above for details on how to access Furman Libraries' Books, PASCAL, and Interlibrary Loan.
You can conduct a simple search on the Furman University Libraries homepage for keywords, title, or author.
You can access the advanced search through the link here or the link under the catalog search bar on the Furman University Libraries homepage. Advanced search offers several options including subject, author, title, ISBN, and ISSN. It also supports the use of Boolean operators, wildcards, phrase searching, and parenthetical grouping. Once you’ve conducted a search you are able to use facets to further narrow down the results. Searching tips are available below the advanced search input area.
NOTE: You must have a an ILLiad account in order to request materials through ILL or for Scan and Deliver. Create an ILLiad account (opens in new tab) and then return to follow the direction below to place a interlibrary loan request.