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BIO 222: Research & Analysis: Citing in CSE

The Actual Manual

Journal Abbreviation Tools

Updating CSE to Full End Pages in RefWorks

If you are using RefWorks to format papers in CSE 8th Name-Year Sequence (the preferred style of the Furman Biology Department), you will need to update the CSE style in RefWorks in include full end pages for journal articles. You can use the Institution Style "Full End Page for CSE 8th, Name-Year" or make your own version of the style.

Updated CSE style at bottom of list when searching cse in style options

Step-by-step instructions to updating CSE in your own style are available in the document linked below:

Online CSE Guides

These sites provides examples and basic instructions for citing in CSE in-text and generating a reference list.

Citation Managers

More Citation Assistance