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SOC 302: Research Methods: Sociology Journals

Is This a Sociology Journal?

Sociology Journals

  • American Journal of Sociology
  • American Sociological Review
  • Annual Review of Sociology
  • Comparative Studies in Society and History
  • Contemporary Sociology
  • Current Sociology
  • Demography
  • Du Bois Review
  • Ethnicities
  • Ethnic and Racial Studies
  • Journal of Black Studies
  • Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
  • Journal of Marriage and the Family
  • Mobilization
  • Qualitative Sociology
  • Race & Class
  • Social Currents
  • Social Forces
  • Social Problems
  • Sociological Forum
  • Sociological Quarterly
  • Sociological Theory
  • Sociology of Education
  • Sociology of Race and Ethnicity
  • Symbolic Interaction
  • Work and Occupations
  • Youth and Society