Lisa Spiro
Lisa Spiro currently serves as the program manager for Anvil Academic Publishing, a new digital publisher focused on the humanities. She authors the Digital Scholarship in the Humanities blog and is found editor of the Digital Research Tools (DiRT) wiki. Her recent presentations and publications include New Models and Modes for Scholarly Publishing in the Digital Age for the ARL Leadership and Career Development Institute, Getting Started in Digital Humanities in the Journal of Digital Humanities, and Computing and Communicating Knowledge: Collaborative Approaches to Digital Humanities Projects in Collaborative Approaches to the Digital in English Studies. Dr. Spiro is a member of the Executive Council for the Association for Computers and the Humanities, the DH Commons Board, and the Program Committee for the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries.
Event Details
Date: Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Time: 12:30pm - 2:30pm
Location: Patrick Lecture Hall - Plyler Hall
We welcome Dr. Lisa Spiro to come discuss open access, emerging publishing models, sustainability, and related issues with members of the Furman community. Dr. Spiro will introduce us to the complex and dynamic issues affecting us as producers and consumers of scholarly information.