Films on Demand is a source of high-quality video and multimedia for academic, vocational and life-skills content. Streaming video is available in a variety of subject areas.
Database consisting of more than one million images covering art, architecture and archeology. Collections can be searched as a whole or individually.
Made up of 10 distinct image collections: The Image Gallery; The Art History Survey Collection; The Illustrated Bartsch, The Carnegie Arts of the United States Collection, The Huntington Archive of Asian Art; The Mellon International Dunhuang Archive; The Museum of Modern Art Architecture and Design Collection; Native American Art and Culture, National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution; and Schlesinger History of Women in America Collection.
Offers access to approximately three million images from over 50 different collections. All images in Image Quest are rights-cleared for non-commercial, educational use including use in reports and projects or on school Web sites, newsletters, newspapers, flyers, and bulletins.
Associated Press Images Collection - Enter your keywords first and then select the "Images" source type facet on the left.
Content in this database is intended for editorial, non-commercial use.