These databases below are your best bets for finding quality journal articles in the field of Political Science.
Scholarly, or Refereed journals are best represented in these first two resources. Keep in mind that JSTOR, a wonderful storage for articles, does not include the most recent 3-5 years of a Journal's articles. Also it has a poor search and retrieval engine, and almost anything published after 1968 in JSTOR will be found much more easily by searching through Humanities Fulltext . Click the purple FUlltext button in the results and you will be linked to anything that happens to be in JSTOR.
Get results at Furman through Google Scholar. Choose Preferences.
Video courtesy North Carolina State University
"Refereed" (also called "peer-reviewed) means that the articles in the journal are evaluated by a group of experts in the field. These experts must approve the articles before they are allowed to be published. These publications have a much higher level of scholarship and are far more trustworthy than non-refereed journals or magazines.
To increase the likelihood that the articles you find are from refereed journals, use the limit box in the database you're searching. For example:
To CONFIRM that your journal article is from a refereed publication after you already have it, check UlrichsWeb for this symbol next to the journal title:
Want to make your searching even better AND faster? Check out these short videos below.