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Voice Resources: Finding Songs

Researching songs, texts, roles and translations - for the vocal soloist.


Most songs will be listed by title in the online catalog.

We also provide access to classical music audio databases:


Most song scores in the music library are in anthologies or collections. In the online catalog:

  • Do a keyword search combining the composer last name with song*  

Example: Brahms and (song* or lied*)

  • Sometimes the online catalog has a note listing the contents of anthologies and collections.  Do a keyword search for the song title (but realize this will leave many results out).
  • Finally, if you still have not found what you need, you should check in the song index tab for help in locating the song in a collection.
  • You can also browse the shelves to find collections by your composer. Look in M 1611-1626

Subject Guide

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Patricia Sasser
Maxwell Music Library
Subjects: Music, Musical Theatre