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Welcome to the research and resource page for your first year writing seminar! Using the tabs above will lead you to many library and web resources that will be useful for your assignments in this class. These are great places to start but are by no means exhaustive. When you need to talk to a live person about your research, you have several options this Spring. You may email me, make an appointment for a Zoom meeting, or use the Library's Chat feature to get a quick answer to a question. I look forward to working with you!

Search Techniques Tutorial

When you search, do you get too few hits? Too many? Are the results not relevant to your topic? Save yourself time and effort with the Search Techniques Tutorial. Learn about:

Boolean Operator App Icon  Truncation App Icon   Phrase Searching App Icon  Nesting App Icon Field Searching App Icon   Wildcard App Icon
 Boolean Operators  Truncation  Phrase Searching  Nesting  Field Searching  Wildcards


If you are completing the tutorial as a class assignment, be sure to use complete the verification form at the end.

Take the Search Techniques Tutorial Now.

Outreach Librarian

Profile Photo
Libby Young
864 294-2260