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EDOL 621: Sociolingusitics for English Language: 4. Write-N-Cite for Word

Write-N-Cite Download & Login

Write-N-Cite allows you to cite references from your RefWorks account in your Word program with just a few clicks. With Write-N-Cite you can choose from thousands of bibliography styles and watch as it instantly formats your in-text citations, footnotes and bibliography.

Write-N-Cite is only available for Word, though it is compatible with 32 bit, 64 bit, and for Macs.

For more information on Write-N-Cite and to download the program, go to Tools >> Write-N-Cite.

Tools Dropdown Menu Image


After downloading and installing Write-N-Cite, a new ribbon will be added to your Word program the next time you open it.

Click on the RefWorks tab to open the ribbon. Then select Login to sync your RefWorks account with your Word program.

Login option on ribbon

Copy the credentials code found on the Write-N-Cite download in RefWorks

Write-N-Cite login code

and paste it into the login box in Word.

Word Login Screen

Insert Citations & Bibliographies with Write-N-Cite

Before starting your paper, make sure that the correct citation style has been selected from the ribbon menu.

Style selector

To insert an in-text citation into your paper, select Insert Citation >> Insert New.

Insert Citation from Ribbon Menu

**TIP: After you cite a resource once, it will appear as a one-click option to insert again.

From the Insert Citation menu you can either browse through your folders (1) or search by author name, title, or keyword (2) to locate a reference in your RefWorks library. Matches will appear below the search (3). Clicking on the correct match will add it to the Compose Citation window (5). You can add more than one resource to the in-text citation by refollowing the steps to find more resources. If you have used the authors name in the narrative or need to use the citation in a non-standard way, use the Edit Reference options (4) to account for these changes. Click OK to insert the citation(s) into your document.

Insert Citations Options

After adding all of your in-text citations, you are ready to create your bibliography. Select Bibliography Options >> Insert Bibliography.

Insert Bibliography Option

**TIP: If you have accidently used the incorrect style while inserting your in-text citations and/or bibliography, highlight the entire document (Ctrl+A or ⌘+A) then select the correct style from the downdown menu.

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