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New provides access to comprehensive and customizable news, market data and portfolio tracking. This resource seeks to offer in-depth reporting across the world, focused on companies, industries and markets and the ways they connect.

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The House Beautiful Archive comprises the digital backfile of the US edition of House Beautiful, from its first issue in 1896 to the present. The oldest still-published US shelter magazine, House Beautiful has been a leading voice of US domestic life for over 125 years, covering everything from interior design and homewares to family life and lifestyle. It not only provides an indispensable historical record of domestic architecture and design, but also captures how broader social and cultural trends - e.g. women's roles, new technologies, and consumer behavior - have manifested themselves in domestic settings during this period.
Latinx Thought and Culture: The NPR Archive, 1979-1990 showcases two radio programs: the weekly Spanish-language Enfoque Nacional (1979-1988) and the Daily English-language Latin File (1988-1990), available for the first time in a searchable database as digitized audio with transcripts. They focus on Latinx issues related to politics, sociology, human rights, the arts and more with interviews of key figures and news reporting by a new generation of Latino/a journalists at the time.
The backfile of Rolling Stone – one of the most influential consumer magazines of the 20th-21st centuries, spanning music, politics / society, and entertainment. Coverage is from its launch in 1967, with ongoing addition of new issues.
Statista is a data aggregation and research platform covering worldwide markets, industries, and societal topics. This resource offers over 1.5 million world-wide statistics along with forecasting on 500 areas from 41 countries for a period of 5 years. Working from more than 20,000 public and private reports, the information is prepared and vetted by a research team of more than 100 analysts in Hamburg, Germany.
Trade and Globalization Studies Online examines the history of trade, trade policies, financial crises, emerging markets and technological innovations that unite the world in an ever-changing system of trade. The collection gathers books, case studies, archival materials and documentaries to provide historical context and insights. Users can explore the societal impact of global trade by browsing on global themes, events and areas, subjects, and much more.