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For ideas of topics and contextual information, Environmental Issues Online may be helpful. 

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Annotated Bibliography

An annotated bibliography is an organized list of books, articles, reports, films, websites or any other source you have found on your topic. Each source is listed in the citation format that your class is using (ie, MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.). The citations are listed in alphabetic order, just as you would list them in a bibliography or works cited list at the end of a paper.

Under each citation is a two-paragraph annotation. The first paragraph is a brief description of your source, and summary of its contents. This should not be exhaustive, but just help you remember what the source is about, and give your instructor an idea of the types of research you have found. This will probably be  3-5 sentences.

The second paragraph is about how this source will be significant for your project.  Is it relevant to your topic or argument?  Does it give specific background that contextualizes your issue? Does it provide specific examples or have images or graphics you will use in your project?

Chicago Citation Sources

Chicago Manual of Style

Science Instruction and Research Services Librarian

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Paige Dhyne
Phone ext. 2342